
lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

Letra Acalanto de Roberto Carlos

Letra Acalanto de Roberto Carlos

É tão tarde, a manhã já vem
Todos dormem, a noite também
Só eu velo por você, meu bem
Dorme anjo, o boi pega neném
Lá no céu deixam de cantar
Os anjinhos foram se deitar
Mamãezinha precisa descansar
Dorme anjo, papai vai lhe ninar

Boi, boi, boi
Boi da cara preta
Pega essa menina
Que tem medo de careta

Boi, boi, boi
Boi da cara preta
Pega esse menino
Que tem medo de careta

Boi, boi, boi

Letra A Primeira Vez de Roberto Carlos

Letra A Primeira Vez de Roberto Carlos

Quando nós nos conhecemos
Num segundo percebemos
Que em nós dois

Tanta coisa poderia
Existir daquele dia
Pra depois

A impressão que eu sentia
Era que te conhecia
Há muito tempo atrás

A primeira vez
Que eu vi você
A primeira vez

Por aquele nosso encontro
Eu não sei por quanto tempo
Eu esperei

O lugar aonde fomos
E até mesmo o que falamos
Eu guardei

Era fim de madrugada
A chuva fina na calçada
Eu te segurei

A primeira vez
Que eu beijei você
A primeira vez

Outras vezes nós nos vimos
E em cada vez sentimos
Que o amor

Se excedia em cada beijo
E nos abraços o desejo
Explodia em nós

Numa noite inesquecível
Controlar foi impossível
Tudo aquilo a sós

A primeira vez
O amor se fez
Na primeira vez

Acordávamos sorrindo
Cada vez era mais lindo

Era tanta poesia
Transbordando em nossos dias
Que eu nem posso crer

Que naqueles dois amantes
Tanto amor não foi bastante
Pra evitar o fim

Você disse adeus
Tudo terminou
Na primeira vez!

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Letra A Mulher Que Eu Amo de Roberto Carlos

Letra A Mulher Que Eu Amo de Roberto Carlos

A mulher que eu amo
Tem a pele morena
É bonita, é pequena
E me ama também

A mulher que eu amo
Tem tudo que eu quero
E até mais do que espero
Encontrar em alguém

A mulher que eu amo
Tem um lindo sorriso
É tudo que eu preciso
Pra minha alegria

A mulher que eu amo
Tem nos olhos a calma
Ilumina minha alma
É o sol do meu dia

Tem a luz das estrelas
E a beleza da flor
Ela é minha vida
Ela é o meu amor

A mulher que eu amo
É o ar que eu respiro
E nela eu me inspiro
Pra falar de amor

Quando vem pra mim
É suave como a brisa
E o chão que ela pisa
Se enche de flor

A mulher que eu amo
Enfeita a minha vida
Meus sonhos realiza
Me faz tanto bem

Seu amor é pra mim
O que há de mais lindo
Se ela está sorrindo
Eu sorrio também

Tudo nela é bonito
Tudo nela é verdade
E com ela eu acredito
Na felicidade

Tudo nela é bonito
Tudo nela é verdade
E com ela eu acredito
Na felicidade...

Letra A Ilha de Roberto Carlos

Letra A Ilha de Roberto Carlos

Um facho de luz
Que a tudo seduz por aqui
Estrela brilhante reluz
Nesse instante sem fim
Um cheiro de amor
Espalhado no ar a me entorpecer
Quisera viesse do mar
E não de você

Um raio que inunda de brilho
Uma noite perdida
Um estado de coisas tão puras
Que move uma vida

Um verde profundo no olhar
A me endoidecer
Quisera estivesse no mar
E não em você

Porque seu coração é uma ilha
A centenas de milhas daqui
Porque seu coração é uma ilha
A centenas de milhas daqui

Um cheiro de amor
Espalhado no ar a me entorpecer
Quisera viesse do mar
E não de você

Um raio que inunda de brilho
Uma noite perdida
Um estado de coisas tão puras
Que move uma vida

Um verde profundo no olhar
A me endoidecer
Quisera estivesse no mar
E não em você

Porque seu coração é uma ilha
A centenas de milhas daqui
Porque seu coração é uma ilha
A centenas de milhas daqui

Porque seu coração é uma ilha
A centenas de milhas daqui
Porque seu coração é uma ilha
A centenas de milhas daqui

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Letra A Estação de Roberto Carlos

Letra A Estação de Roberto Carlos

Senti que alguma coisa ia me dizer
No tempo que restava antes de partir
Mas seu silêncio me dizia muito mais
Que todas as palavras que eu pudesse ouvir
No olhar uma tristeza disfarçava
No peito uma saudade antecipava
Então sua mão meu rosto acariciou
E com ternura meus cabelos afagou

E a sua voz se fez ouvir dizendo adeus
E eu fiquei perdido em pensamentos e recordações
Não sei por quanto tempo ali fiquei
E como pude controlar as emoções também não sei

Pra não me ver mais triste ainda ela sorriu
Me olhou nos olhos, me beijou, depois saiuCaminhou com passos calmos e parou
Me acenou mais um adeus, depois seguiu

Lembrei de tudo como era antes
Sem despedida e vidas tão distantes
Parado ainda na estação ela me viu
Me acenou mais uma vez, depois partiu

E a sua mão mais uma vez me acenou
E eu fiquei perdido em pensamentos e recordações
Não sei por quanto tempo ali fiquei
E como pude controlar as emoções também não sei

Letra À Beira do Pantanal de Roberto Carlos

Letra À Beira do Pantanal de Roberto Carlos

Foi lá na beira do Pantanal
Seu corpo tão belo enterrei
Foi lá que eu matei minha amada
Sua voz na lembrança eu guardei
"Por que, meu querido
Por que, meu amor
Cravaste em mim teu punhal?
Meu peito tão jovem sangrando assim
Por que esse golpe mortal?"

Assassinei quem amava
Num gesto sagrado de amor
O sangue que dela jorrava
A sede da terra acalmou
E lá onde jaz o seu corpo
Cresceu junto com o capim
Seus lindos cabelos negros que eu
Regava como um jardim

A lei dos homens me condenou
Perpétua será tua prisão
Porque foi eu mesmo quem calou
Com aço aquele coração

E eu preso aqui nessa cela
Deixando minha vida passar
Ainda escuto a voz dela
No vento que vem perguntar
"Por que, meu querido
Por que, meu amor
Cravaste em mim teu punhal?
Meu peito tão jovem sangrando assim
Por que esse golpe mortal?
Cravaste em mim teu punhal
Por que esse golpe mortal?

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Letra Yo La Necesito de Sandro

Letra Yo La Necesito de Sandro

No recuerdo cuando yo la conocí,
por aquellos días yo no era feliz,
era un ser destruido
que andaba perdido
por culpa de otra mujer.

El destino quiso ponerla ante mí
no recuerdo nada, tan sólo sentí
su mirada increíble, como un rayo invisible,
me hizo ver el camino, me tomó entre sus brazos,
me curó las heridas y la amé...

Yo la necesito, porque me da fuerza,
porque me da aliento
porque me estimula,
porque me da ganas de seguir viviendo.

Teniéndola, amándola, besándola,
mirándola, sabiendo que ella vive en mí.

Yo no sé hasta cuando la voy a tener
sólo sé que tengo miedo a perder
a ese rayo invisible, porque ha hecho posible
devolverle a mi vida el camino correcto
el pisar siempre firme y el amor.

Yo la necesito, porque me da fuerza,
porque me da aliento
porque me estimula,
porque me da ganas de seguir viviend

Letra Tu Poesia Y Mi Amor de Sandro

Letra Tu Poesia Y Mi Amor de Sandro

Cierra el ventanal y apaga la luz
quédate mujer, en mi juventud,
déjate morir en el devenir
que han de confundir tu poesía y mi amor

Déjate llevar, casi sin pensar
por el descontrol, de nuestra pasión
y en la oscuridad de esta habitación
podrás encontrar mi ternura y mi amor

Ven más junto a mí, quédate así,
casi en un silencio que puede quebrar
quizás un suspiro que pueda escapar
en la gran pasión de este amor sin igual

Y serás feliz, cuando al concluir
sientas que mi cuerpo se ha quedado en ti
llena de mis brazos y de mi calor
y serás por fin, para siempre mujer!

Abre el ventanal, deja entrar la luz
ya no hay más pasión, no ves que solo es gratitud
llévate de mi noche y juventud y podrás amar
como amaste mujer, como amaste mujer,
como amaste mujer, como amaste mujer!

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

Letra Evolución de Aleks Syntek

Letra Evolución de Aleks Syntek

el tiempo tenia razón
la edad ya te hizo cambiar
y tu no supiste cuando

los que no pueden creer
y se van quedando atrás
no pueden ver mas allá

Mira cuanto dura este viaje
cuanto tiempo te pone
y si te hace sentir mejor

la luz que esta en tu interior
la que puede iluminar
las sombras de tu camino

Hoy me siento
parte de la evolución
no quiero retroceder

el cambio va mas allá
tu mundo empezó a girara
y no hay como detenerlo

Ya no debes mirar atrás
el hubiera ya no es
y no debes lamentarlo.

Vida, cuanto dura este viaje.......

Letra En El Carnaval de Aleks Syntek

Letra En El Carnaval de Aleks Syntek

Tienes que bailar en el carnaval
La vida es la fiesta para quien sabe amar
Brindemos por esos que no estan aquí
Pues un dia nosotros vamos a estar alla

El siglo 21 ya viene hacia aca
Y lo que sembramos sus frutos dara
Si es que el mundo sigue depende de ti
Esta nueva era la quiero vivir

Piensa que nada podemos perder
Y hay muchas cosas que puedes ganar
El tiempo arroja su limitacion
No lo dejes pasar, no, no ,no

Tienes que bailar en el carnaval
La vida es la fiesta para quien sabe amar
Brindemos por esos que no estan aquí
Pues un dia nosotros vamos a estar alla

El siglo 21 ya viene hacia aca
Y lo que sembramos sus frutos dara
Si es que el mundo sigue depende de ti
Esta nueva era la quiero vivir

Piensa que nada podemos perder
Y hay muchas cosas que puedes ganar
El tiempo arroja su limitacion
No lo dejes pasar, no, no ,no

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Google resta importancia a las versiones del navegador

Google resta importancia a las versiones del navegador
¿Sabía usted que Chrome acaba de ser actualizado a la versión 8? Probablemente no, ya que Google ya no dedica tiempo a hacer anuncios formales sobre las nuevas ediciones de su navegador.

La nueva estrategia de Google para actualizaciones consiste en dar cada vez menos importancia a las versiones del navegador, en momentos que sus competidores hacen anuncios solemnes sobre tales lanzamientos.

Por ejemplo, la comunidad de Internet espera con interés a IE 9, Firefox 4 y Opera 11.

Por cierto, Chrome 8 no incorpora mejoras ni cambios sustanciales, aunque trae más de 800 correciones de bugs -o anteriores errores de código. Entre las novedades se incluye la posibilidad de mostrar archivos PDF directamente en el navegador. En su blog, Google menciona que la versión 8 supera en velocidad y estabilidad a las anteriores.

Para los usuarios de Chrome, la actualización a Chrome 8 es automática. Los interesados en descargar el software pueden hacerlo desde ésta página.

Paralelamente, Google está abocada al desarrollo de la versión 9, cuyos detalles pueden ser consultados en ésta página

Fuente: Blog de Google
Visa exporta a Europa su sabotaje de Wikileaks bloqueando donaciones

Periódico danés demandará a Apple ante el Tribunal Europeo por censura

PayPal bloqueó a Wikileaks debido a presiones del gobierno estadounidense

Letra De Noche En La Ciudad de Aleks Syntek

Letra De Noche En La Ciudad de Aleks Syntek

De saber que vendrías
Te compro un pastel
Si te juntas conmigo
Te podría ir muy bien

Todos mis amigos te
Lo pueden decir y
Es que tarde o temprano
Tu y yo vamos a salir

Es una cita conmigo
Para ir a bailar
Y luego te daré un
Paseo en mi cadillac

Mirando luces
Luces de noche
En la ciudad (oh! Right)

De saber que te quiero
Te puedo conquistar
Regalarte las flores
Que te gusten mas

Todos los detalles
Que te hacen feliz
Eso y mucho mas cosas
Puedo hacer por ti

Es una cita conmigo ...

Letra Blue Jeans de Aleks Syntek

Letra Blue Jeans de Aleks Syntek

Yo tengo blue Jeans
descosidos de atrás
mi facha es fatal
y aun me quiere mamá

Yo tengo blue Jeans
y así es como voy a bailar
mi pelo tal vez
nunca me voy cortar

Yo tengo blue Jeans
y arrancada también
oigo a Rolling Stones
y me siento mejor

Yo tengo blue Jeans
y nunca veo "GQ"
pues guardo el temor
de que no me dejen ser yo

Y así esta mejor
aunque me digan
que yo soy de lo peor
y así esta mejor
al fin al cabo es como vivo yo.

Yo tengo blue Jeans.

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Letra Arriesgando el Corazón de Aleks Syntek

Letra Arriesgando el Corazón de Aleks Syntek

Voy arriesgando el corazón, me estoy hundiendo en lo profundo de ti, estoy atado a tu intención, estoy cercano a la locura por ti, y es que tú me tienes bajo control, tú decides si estoy o no, lo que pides te lo doy.

Me estoy jugando el corazón, me estoy clavando y hago tu voluntad. voy aferrado a tu calor, tienes el "don" de hacerme esclavo de ti.

Tú eres el sol al horizonte, eres misterio al anochecer, desapareces al amancecer, ¿nunca sabré dónde estarás?, no lo sé.

Letra Hombre de Fé de Aleks Syntek

Letra Hombre de Fé de Aleks Syntek

Hoy debo creer, debo ser un hombre de fe, me encuentro completo, vivo ahora y no después, hoy me levanto bien, hoy no tengo miedo a perder y estoy despertando la conciencia de mi ser, hoy debo creer, debo ser un hombre de fe, mis ojos al cielo, y en la tierra están mis pies, me empiezo a conocer, hoy sé lo que me pone bien y estoy despertando la conciencia de mi ser, y voy a amarte por mi, me das todo y todo es para ti, no estoy solo y hoy te tengo a ti, hoy me sobran ganas de vivir, tengo un reto a vencer, debo ser un hombre de fe, y el irme aceptando es mi forma de creer, voy aprendiendo a querer, hoy no tengo miedo a perder, y estoy despertando la conciencia de mi ser.

El universo me arrastra a creer, nacen estrellas y vuelvo a nacer, no hay imposibles si quiero estar bien, hoy yo tengo fe, hoy puedo creer.

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Letra It's A Hard Life de Queen

Letra It's A Hard Life de Queen

It's A Hard Life (Mercury)

I don't want my freedom
There's no reason for living with a broken heart

This is a tricky situation
I've only got myself to blame
It's just a simple fact of life
It can happen to any one

You win, you lose
It's a chance you have to take with love
Oh yeah I fell in love
But now you say it's over and I'm falling apart

Yeah yeah, it's a hard life
To be true lovers together
To love and live forever in each others hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in one another right from the start
When you're in love

I try and mend the broken pieces
Ooh I try to fight back the tears
Ooh they say it's just a state of mind
But it happens to everyone

How it hurts (yeah) deep inside (oh yeah)
When your love has cut you down to size
Life is tough on your own
Now I'm waiting for something to fall from the skies
I'm waiting for love

Yes it's a hard life
Two lovers together
To love and live forever in each others hearts
It's a long hard fight
To learn to care for each other
To trust in one another right from the start
When you're in love

Yes it's a hard life
In a world that's filled with sorrow
There are people searching for love in every way
It's a long hard fight
But I'll always live for tomorrow
I'll look back at myself and say I did it for love (ooh)
Yes I did it for love - for love - oh I did it for love

Letra In The Lap Of The Gods... Revisited de Queen

Letra In The Lap Of The Gods... Revisited de Queen

It's so easy but I can't do it
So risky
But I gotta chance it
It's so funny
There's nothing to laugh about
My money
That's all you want to talk about
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm not fool

It's in the lap of the Gods
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool

No beginning there's no ending
There's no meaning
In my pretending
Believe me life goes on and on and on
Forgive me when I ask you
Where do I belong
You say
I can't set you free from me
But that's not true

It's in the lap of the Gods
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo wo la la la wo
Wo wo la la
Wah wah ooh
But that's not true
It's in the lap of the Gods

domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Letra I'm in Love With My Car de Queen

Letra I'm in Love With My Car de Queen

The machine of a dream
Such a clean machine
With the pistons a pumpin’
And the hub caps all gleam

When I’m holdin’ your wheel
All I hear is your gear
When my hand’s on your grease gun
Oh it’s like a disease son

I’m in love with my car
Gotta feel for my automobile
Get a grip on my boy racer rollbar
Such a thrill when your radials squeal

Told my girl I’ll have to forget her
Rather buy me a new carburetor
So she made tracks sayin’
This is the end now
Cars don’t talk back
They’re just four wheeled friends now

When I’m holdin your wheel
All I hear is your gear
When I’m cruisin’ in overdrive
Don’t have to listen to no run of the mill talk jive

I’m in love with my car
Gotta feel for my automobile
I’m in love with my car
String back gloves in my automolove

Letra I Guess We're Falling Out de Queen

Letra I Guess We're Falling Out de Queen

You stabbed your knife right in my back
Was it just something that I might have said
Does this mean we're falling out
I guess this means that our luck has fallen out
If you wanna make a go
Da da da da da da stay

I guess we're falling out
It was just one long and long race
I guess we're falling out
Guess we're falling out
Da da da da da da stay

Hmm da da, right in my yeah
Oh oh da da da da da da way
Aaah de da da da
Da da da daaa da da da da da da
De de de da da da da de dum da da da da da way

I guess we're falling out
It was just one long race
I guess we're falling out
Falling out
Yeah yeah falling out falling out yeah
Two three four
Da da

sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

Letra Hello Mary Lou de Queen

Letra Hello Mary Lou de Queen

I said hello mary lou
Goodbye heart
Sweet mary lou
I’m so in love with you
I knew mary lou
We’d never part
So hello mary lou
Goodbye heart

You passed me by one sunny day
Flashed those big brown eyes my way
And oo I wanted you forever more
Now I’m not one that gets around
I swear my feet stuck to the ground
And though I never did see you before

I said hello mary lou
Goodbye heart
Sweet mary lou
I’m so in love with you
I knew mary lou
We’d never part
So hello mary lou
Goodbye heart
So hello mary lou
Goodbye heart
So hello mary lou
Goodbye heart

Letra Hammer To Fall de Queen

Letra Hammer To Fall de Queen

Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all
Make the bed, light the light
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight.

You don't waste no time at all
Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We're just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh every night, and every day
A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face, the Western Way -
Build your muscles as your body decays.

Tow the line and play their game
Let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the Hammer to Fall.

Rich or poor or famous for
Your truth it's all the same
Lock your door but rain is pouring
Through your window pane
Baby now your struggle's all vain.

For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the Mushroom Cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder

What the hell are we fighting for ?
Just surrender and it won't hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
While you're waiting for the Hammer to Fall.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Letra Going Back de Queen

Letra Going Back de Queen

I think I’m going back
To the things I learnt so well in my youth
I think I’m returning to
Those days when I was young enough to know the truth
Now there are no games
To only pass the time
No more colouring books
No christmas bells to chime
But thinking young and growing older is no sin
And I can’t play the game of life to win
I can recall a time
When I wasn’t ashamed to reach out to a friend
And now I think I’ve got
A lot more than just my toys to lend
Now there’s more to do
Than watch my sailboat glide
And every day can be
My magic carpet ride
And I can play hide and seek with my fears
And live my days instead of counting my years
Then everyone debates
The true reality
I’d rather see the world
The way it used to be
A little bit of freedom’s all we lack
So catch me if you can
I’m going back

Letra Funny How Love Is de Queen

Letra Funny How Love Is de Queen

Funny how love is everywhere just look and see
Funny how love is anywhere you’re bound to be
Funny how love is every song in every key
Funny how love is coming home in time for tea
Funny, funny, funny
Funny how love is the end of lies when the truth begins
Tomorrow comes tomorrow beings
Tomorrow brings love in the shape of things
That’s what love is, that’s what love is

Funny how love is can break your heart so suddenly
Funny how love came tumbling down with adam and eve
Funny how love is running wild and feeling free
Funny how live is coming home in time for tea
Funny, funny, funny
From the earth below to the heavens above
That’s how far and funny is love
At any time, anywhere
If you gotta make love do it everywhere
That’s what love is, that’s what love is

Funny how love is everywhere just look and see
Funny how love is anywhere you’re bound to be
Funny how love is every song and every key
Funny how love is when you gotta hurry home
’cos you’re late for tea
Funny, funny, funny how love is
Tomorrow comes, tomorrow brings
Tomorrow brings love in the shape of things
At any time, anywhere
If you gotta make love do it everywhere
That’s what love is, that’s what love is

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Letra Flash de Queen

Letra Flash de Queen

Flash - Ah - Saviour of the universe
Flash - Ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us
Seemingly there is no reason for these
Extraordinary intergalactical upsets (ha ha ha)
What's happening Flash?
Only Dr Hans Zarkov formerly at N A S A
Has provided any explanation
Flash - Ah - He's a miracle
This mornings unprecedented solar eclipse
Is no cause for alarm
Flash - Ah - King of the impossible
He's for ev'ry one of us
Stand for ev'ry one of us
He'll save with a mighty hand
Ev'ry man ev'ry woman ev'ry child
With a mighty Flash
General Kaka Flash Gordon approaching
What do you mean Flash Gordon approaching?
Open fire all weapons
Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body
Flash - Ah
Gordon's alive
Flash - Ah - He'll save ev'ry one of us
Just a man with a man's courage
He knows nothing but a man
But he can never fail
No one but the pure in heart
May find the golden grail oh oh oh oh
Flash Flash I love you
But we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth

Letra Drowse de Queen

Letra Drowse de Queen

It’s the sad eyed goodbye
Yesterday’s moments I remember
It’s the bleak street,week kneed partings I recall
It’s the mistier mists the hazier days
The brighter sun and the easier lays
There’s all the more reason for laughing and crying
When you’re younger and life isn’t to hard at all

It’s the fantastic drowse
Of the afternoon sundays
That bored you to rages of tears
The unending pleadings
To waste all your good times
In thoughts of your middle-aged years
It’s the vertical hold all the things that you’re told
For the everyday hero it all turns to zero
And there’s all the more reason
For living or dying when you’re young
And your troubles are all very small

Out here on the street we’d gather and meet
And scuff up the sidewalk
With endlessly restless feet
Half on the time we’d broaden our minds
More in the pool hall
Than we did in the school hall
With the down town chewing gum bums
Watching the night life the lights and the fun

Never wanted to be the boy next door
Always thought I’d be something more
But it ain’t easy for a small town boy
It ain’t easy at all
Thinkin’ it right and doin’ it wrong
It’s easier from an arm chair
Waves of alternatives wash over my sleepiness
Have my eggs poached for breakfast I guess

I think I’ll be clint eastwood
Jimi hendrix he was good
Let’s try william the conqueror
Now who else do I like?

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Letra Don’t Try So Hard de Queen

Letra Don’t Try So Hard de Queen

If you’re searching out for something -
Don’t try so hard
If you’re feeling kinda nothing -
Don’t try so hard
When your problems seem like mountains
You feel the need to find some answers
You can leave them for another day
Don’t try so hard
But if you fall and take a tumble -
It won’t be far
If you fail you mustn’t grumble -
Thank your lucky stars
Just savour every mouthful
And treasure every moment
When the storms are raging round you
Stay right where you are
Don’t try so hard
Oooh don’t take it all to heart
It’s only fools they make these rules
Don’t try so hard
One day you’ll be a sergeant major
Oh you’ll be so proud
Screaming out your bloody orders
Hey but not too loud
Polish all your shiny buttons
Dressed as lamb instead of mutton
But you never had to try
To stand out from the crowd
Oh what a beautiful world
Is this the life for me
Oh what a beautiful world
It’s the simple life for me
Oh don’t try so hard
Oh don’t take it all to heart
It’s only fools - they make these rules
Don’t try so hard
Don’t try so hard

Letra Dog With a Bone de Queen

Letra Dog With a Bone de Queen

Hey, you say you won’t you can’t give me any more love
You say you will you can forgive me but I doubt it
You make me high when I talk on the phone
You know I gotta ring up your number when I know you ain’t home
Coz you gotta hold on me baby like a dog with a bone
Hey hey
Dog with a bone

One more time yeah

Hey you say you won’t you can’t give me any more love
But you that say you will you can forgive me but I doubt it
You make me high when you talk on the phone
You know I gotta ring up your number when you’re never ever home
You gotta hold on me baby, like a dog with a bone, yeah
Dog with a bone

He was telling me

You talk down the phone
Ring up your number when I know you ain’t home
You gotta hold on me baby, like a dog with a bone
Like a dog with a bone, yeah
Dog with a bone

You say you won’t you can’t give me any more love
But you say you will you can forgive me but I doubt
You make me high when you talk on the phone
I gotta ring up your number when I know you ain’t home
You gotta hold on me baby
Like a dog with a bone

Hold on me baby
I won’t let go
Like a dog with a bone
Don’t let go
You gotta

Hello fan club. sorry it hasn’t got me on it.
Must have ruined it for all of you, but there you go.

Hello, john here. I hope you’re having a good time.
And jacky, in return for us doing this musical offering for you,
Is after we’ve finished she’s going to come on and do a strip for you.

Hey, I hope everybody’s having a good time (good time good time good time)
I hope everybody’s having a having a good time (good time good time good time)

Having a good time, yes, before I heard all this nonsense.
Where’s the microphone, which one? hello it’s brian here.
Fraid I’ve lost my voice because I’ve been bellowing.
God, I wish someone would shut that bloody guitarist up, it’s dreadful.
Well actually we’d love to be with you, we’re sorry we’re not with you but we’re too busy
Making silly noises and thinking up new chords like this one and having mid life crises and things.
You see it’s all very easy for you but we have a lot of work to do so we’re going to play you this song instead.
It does like this.

Dog with a bone

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Letra Dancer de Queen

Letra Dancer de Queen

I’m not invited to the party
Been sitting here all night
I’m all alone here at the party
Ain’t got no black coat
Ain’t got no tie
I gotta shape up now
You gotto know why
Dancer, dancer
I can’t live with it I’m gonna die without it
Dancer, dancer
Ain’t no doubt about it
Dancer, dancer
Why don’t you kick off your dancing shoes
And come along with me
You’re the life and soul of the funk-tion
It took me all night
To get hold of the right introduction
Blew me out of sight
I taste your lipstick
I look in your eyes
You feel fantastic
My body cries
(hot space)
Dancer, dancer
I can’t believe your dancing
Can’t take you home, can’t take your dancing
Dancer, dancer, dance the night away

Letra Cool Cat de Queen

Letra Cool Cat de Queen

Ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah!
You're taking all the sunshine away
Making out like you're the main line (I knew that)
'Cause you're a cool cat
Tapping on the toe with a new hat
Ooh just cruising
Driving along like the swing king
Feeling the beat of my heart huh!
Feeling the beat of my heart

Ooh you're a cool cat
Coming on strong with all the chit chat
Ooh you're alright
Hanging out and stealing all the limelight
Ooh messing with the beat of my heart yeah!

Ooh you used to be a mean kid
Ooh making such a deal of life
Ooh you were wishing and hoping and waiting
To really hit the big time
But did it happen? happen no!
You're speeding to fast slow down
Slow down you'd better slow down slow down

You really know how to set the mood
And you really get inside the groove
Cool cat tapping on the toe with a new hat
Ooh just cruising
Driving along like the swing king
Feeling the beat of my heart
Feeling the beat of my heart yeah!
Feeling the beat of my heart
Can you feel it?
Feeling the beat of my heart
Feeling the beat of my heart
Ooh feeling feeling feeling
Feeling ev'ry feeling

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Telecharger 3GP Player 2009 Gratuit

Telecharger 3GP Player 2009 Gratuit


3GP Player est un lecteur de vidéos spécialisé dans le format 3GP très largement utilisé par les téléphones mobiles.

Le format 3GP et ses variantes (3GPP, 3GPP2, etc.) sont utilisés par de nombreux fabricants de téléphones portables pour stocker de la vidéo. 3GP Player offre une manière simple de lire ces vidéos sur votre PC.

A l'usage, 3GP Player déçoit avec son interface trop rudimentaire. Elle ne propose que l'ouverture de fichiers et quelques liens vers des sites qui hébergent des vidéos pour mobiles.

Pour le contrôle de la lecture (pause, avance rapide, etc.), aucun bouton: vous devrez utiliser les raccourcis clavier indiqués dans la fenêtre principale. Cette dernière affiche en permanence des publicités.

3GP Player utilise ouvertement le lecteur Open Source, MPlayer. Autant télécharger directement ce dernier, Gom Player, SMPlayer, ou QuickTime, eux aussi compatibles avec les formats 3GP et beaucoup plus agréables à utiliser.

Trop spécialisé et avec de grosses lacunes au niveau de l'interface, 3GP Player présente peu d'intérêt alors que de nombreux lecteurs supportent maintenant les formats 3GP.


Telecharger Mathenpoche 6ème Gratuit

Telecharger Mathenpoche 6ème Gratuit


Mathenpoche est un logiciel éducatif gratuit, résultat d'un projet open source, qui permet d'apprendre, de réviser et de s'entrainer aux mathématiques de niveau collège. Mathenpoche est également disponible pour les classes de 5ème, 4ème, 3ème et CAP.

Avec Mathenpoche 6ème, le programme de la première année de collège est abordé sous toutes ses formes: tout l'algèbre et la géométrie qu'il faut savoir pour passer en cinquième sont réunis dans ce logiciel.

Entre autres, il est possible de s'entrainer au calcul mental, aux fractions et aux pourcentages, à la proportionnalité, aux divisions euclidienne, au repérage sur un axe, aux comparaisons et même à l'usage de la calculatrice.

Dans la partie géométrie, ce programme donne toute sa mesure en résumant l'intégralité du programme avec de nombreux diagrammes à l'appui.

Une fois téléchargé, il faut extraire le programme dans un répertoire de votre choix. Il faut également télécharger Adobe Flash Player pour avoir accès aux exercices, réalisés en Flash.

Mathenpoche est le programme que tous les collégiens attendaient: il récapitule, approfondit et fait réviser le programme de mathématiques avec une interface claire et précise. A utiliser avant chaque contrôle, et plus si affinités!


domingo, 16 de enero de 2011

Letra Calling All Girls de Queen

Letra Calling All Girls de Queen

Calling all boys calling all girls
Calling all people on streets
Around the world
Take this message a message for you
This message is old yeah
This message is true this message is
This message is this message is this message is

Love take a message of love
Far and near
Take a message of love for all to hear
For all to hear

Some sleepless nights in wait for you
Some foreign presence you feel
Comes seeping through
Some stream of hope
The whole world through
Spread like some silent disease
You'll get yours too
This message is this message is
This message is this message is

Love take a message of love
Far and near
Take a message of love for all to hear
For all to hear

Love take a message of love
Far and near
Take a message of love for all to hear
For all to hear

Calling all boys calling all girls
Calling all boys calling all girls
Calling all girls

Letra Breakthru de Queen

Letra Breakthru de Queen

When love breaks up
When the dawn light wakes up
A new life is born
Somehow I have to make this final breakthru . . . Now!

I wake up
Feel just fine,
Your face
Fills my mind
I get religion quick
'Cos you're looking divine
Honey you're touching something, you're touchin' me,
I'm under your thumb, under you're spell, can't you see,
If I could only reach you,
If I could make you smile,
If I could only reach you,
That would really be a breakthru - oh yeah.

Breakthru, these barriers of pain,
Breakthru, to the sunshine from the rain,
Make my feelings known towards you
Turn my heart inside and out for you now
I have to make this final breakthru.
Now I

Your smile,
Speaks books to me,
I break up,
With each and every one of your looks at me,
Honey you're starting something deep inside of me,
Honey you're sparking something, this fire in me,
I'm outta control, I wanna rush headlong into this ecstasy

If I could only reach you
If I could make you smile
If I could only reach you
That would really be a breakthru

If I could only reach you
If I could make you smile,
If I could only reach you
That would really be a breakthru
Breakthru, breakthru

sábado, 15 de enero de 2011

Letra Blag de Queen

Letra Blag de Queen

Do do do...
Take away my sunshine
You take away my rain
I can see it in your eyes
There must be an answer somewhere
You can find a way
I can see it in your eye
Do do do...

Letra Beyond The Sea de Queen

Letra Beyond The Sea de Queen

Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing

Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watching for me
And if icould fly
Like birds on high
Then straight to her arms
I go sailing

It's far beyond the stars
It's near beyond the moon
I know beyond the doubt
My heart will lead me there soon

We'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just like before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again i'll go sailing

It's far beyond the stars
It's near beyond the moon
I konw, yes, i know beyond the doubt
My heart will lead me there soon

We'll meet, iknow we'll meet beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
And happy we'll be beyond the sea
And never again i'll go sailing

And never again i'll go sailing

And never again i'll go sai-ai-ailing

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Letra Dark Moon de Elvis Presley

Letra Dark Moon de Elvis Presley

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Mortals have dreams of love’s perfect schemes
But they don’t realize, their love can sometimes bring the

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Mortals have dreams of love’s perfect schemes
But they don’t realize, their love can sometimes bring the

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Mortals have dreams of love’s perfect schemes
But they don’t realize, their love can sometimes bring the

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love
What is the cause your light withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Mortals have dreams of love’s perfect schemes
But they don’t realize, their love can sometimes bring the

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Mortals have dreams of love’s perfect schemes
But they don’t realize, their love can sometimes bring the

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Mortals have dreams of love’s perfect schemes
But they don’t realize, their love can sometimes bring the

Dark moon, way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh tell me why
You’ve lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your life withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love
What is the cause your light withdraws
Is it because, is it because I’ve lost my love

Letra Cross My Heart And Hope To Die de Elvis Presley

Letra Cross My Heart And Hope To Die de Elvis Presley

I can explain about last night
Though things didn’t look just right
Please believe me there was nothing wrong
I thought about you baby all night long
Cross my heart, i hope to die
Well i wouldn’t tell you no lie, mmm

Talk about a piece of rotten luck
You do a friend a favor and you wind up stuck
She couldn’t hold a candle to you, no siree
Very hard to handle like a model t
Cross my heart, i hope to die
Well i wouldn’t tell you no lie

Please believe me when i say
Wild horses couldn’t drag me away
From you ‘cause i don’t have to look too hard
To see what i’ve got in my own back yard
So please forgive me and forget
Don’t say my alloy’s all wet (?)
I miss those kisses from your honeycomb
This humble bumble bee just wants to fly back home
Cross my heart, i hope to die
Well i wouldn’t tell you no lie

I wouldn’t tell you no lie
No no no no no no
I wouldn’t tell you no lie

jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Letra Come What May de Elvis Presley

Letra Come What May de Elvis Presley

I am yours and you are mine, come what may
Love like ours remains divine, come what may
Even though we’re miles apart
You’re living in my lonely heart
At night the teardrops start and pour the long long day

I keep your picture near me since you went away
I plant a kiss upon your lips each night and day
Bear in mind and you will find a heart that is true
And I’ll be here with you come what may

All right!

I keep your picture near me since you went away
I plant a kiss upon your lips each night and day
Bear in mind and you will find a heart that is true
And I’ll be here with you come what may
And I’ll be here with you come what may
And I’ll be here with you come what may
Ah um bop a bop a um bop a bop a come what may

Letra City By Night de Elvis Presley

Letra City By Night de Elvis Presley

When shadows beckon on dim-lit avenues
Night people hear the call
From hidden alleys, secret rendezvous
They come out one and all

The city by night I'm wide awake
It never sleeps make no mistake

Whatever sets off the spark
A magic glow lights the dark
Then I'm intrigued by the sight
Of the city by night

Those crowded nightclubs
Those picturesque cafes
Are scenes no-one forgets
And I'm enchanted, music softly plays
By dancing silhouettes

The city by night I'm wide awake
It never sleeps make no mistake

The evening's full of surprise
It's magic opens my eyes
And I'm intrigued by the sight
Of the city by night


miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Letra Catchin' On Fast de Elvis Presley

Letra Catchin' On Fast de Elvis Presley

Won’t you show me how to kiss
Put your lips on mine
Do you do it just like this
Tell me I’m doing fine
We got a good thing going now take your time
Come on and make it last.
Love may be new to you but Oooh, I’m catchin’ on fast

Give, give, gimme all you’ve got to give
Love, love, love every moment you live
Now you’ve taught me all you know
Have I passed the test
Show me all you’ve got to show
Baby you’re the best

But tell me I’ve learned quickly and I know each trick
I’m sure love’s gonna last
Love maybe new to you but Oooh I’m catchin’ on fast

Letra By And By de Elvis Presley

Letra By And By de Elvis Presley

Well children by and by when the morning comes
All the saints of God together they come
We will tell the story how the Lord will come
And we'll understand him better by and by

Trials dark on every hand and we cannot understand
All the ways God will lead us
To the blessed promised land
He will guide us with his eye
And we'll follow till we die
And we'll understand him better by and by

Well children by and by when the morning comes
All the saints of God together they come
We will tell the story how the Lord will come
And we'll understand him better by and by

Temptation's hidden snares often take the sun away
And our hearts are made to bleed
For some thoughtless word or deed
And we wonder why the test when we try to do our best
But we'll understand it better by and by

Well children by and by when the morning comes
All the saints of God together they come
We will tell the story how the Lord will come
And we'll understand him better by and by

And we'll understand him better by and by

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Letra Bridge Over Troubled Water de Elvis Presley

Letra Bridge Over Troubled Water de Elvis Presley

When you're weary, feeling small
When tears are in your eyes,
I will dry them all
I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found

Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
I'll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around

Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine
If you need a friend
I'm sailing right behind

Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind

Letra Blue River de Elvis Presley

Letra Blue River de Elvis Presley

Blue river, it can’t be found on any map that I know
But it’s the place where lonely lovers all go
To cry their tears, blue river
It winds along a path of heartache and pain
Of broken dreams from lovin’ someone in vain
Like I loved you, and baby I still do

I held you so tight
You were out of my sight
I’m feelin’ so low
But I gotta go
Blue river because you never really cared about me
From now on baby that’s where I’m gonna be
Cryin’ over you, by the river of blue

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011

Letra Blue Christmas de Elvis Presley

Letra Blue Christmas de Elvis Presley

I'll have a Blue Christmas without you
I'll be so blue thinking about you
Decorations of red on a green Christmastree
Won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me

I'll have a Blue Christmas that's certain
And when that blue heartache starts hurtin'
You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white,
But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

Letra Big Love Big Heartache de Elvis Presley

Letra Big Love Big Heartache de Elvis Presley

Oh yes, I know it’s true
The more you fall in love
The more your heart can break in two
Now that you’ve said goodbye
For every tender kiss
I’ve had the tears I cry
I gave my heart and soul
All the love I knew
Oh how much it hurts me now
To know that we are through

I’ll always feel this way
My arms will be so empty
You’ll return some day and say
Your love, yes your big love
Will be here to stay
Till then it’s

Your love yes your big love
Will be here to stay

domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

Letra Besame Mucho de Elvis Presley

Letra Besame Mucho de Elvis Presley

Besame, besame mucho,
Each time I cling to your kiss, I hear music divine,
Besame, besame mucho,
I love you my darling and say that you'll always be mine.
Dearest one, if you should leave me,
My little heart would take fly and my life would be through,
Besame, besame mucho,
I love you my darling and say that you'll always be mine.
This love is something new, my arms enfolding you,
Never knew this love before.
Whoever thought I'll be holding you close to me,
Whispering it's you I adore.
Dearest one, if you should leave me,
My little heart would take fly and my life would be through,
Besame, besame mucho,
I love you my darling and say that you'll always be mine.
Dearest one, if you should leave me,
My little heart would take fly and my life would be through,
Besame, besame mucho,
I love you my darling and say that you'll always be mine.
I love you my darling and say that you'll always be mine.
I love you my darling and say that you'll always be mine.

Letra Be-Bop-A-Lulla de Elvis Presley

Letra Be-Bop-A-Lulla de Elvis Presley

Well be-bop-a-lula she's my baby,
Be-bop-a-lula I don't mean maybe.
Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby
Be-bop-a-lula I don't mean maybe
Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby love,
My baby love, my baby love.

Well she's the girlie with tight blue jeans.
She's the chickie with most everything.
She's the girlie that shakes that thing
She aint got a diamond ring,

Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby,
Be-bop-a-lula I don't mean maybe.
Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby
Be-bop-a-lula I don't mean maybe
Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby love,
My baby love, my baby love.

Well she's the one that gots that beat.
She's the one with the flyin' feet.
She's the one that rolls right out the door.
She's the one that gets more more more.

Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby,
Be-bop-a-lula I don't mean maybe.
Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby
Be-bop-a-lula I don't mean maybe
Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby love,
My baby love, my baby love.

She's the girlie that shakes that thing.
She's the girlie that knows everything.
She's the chick that I love so,
And when the doctor gives it, well go, go, go, go

Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby,
Be-bop-a-lula I don't mean maybe.
Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby, baby,
baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby.

Be-bop-a-lula she's my baby love,
My baby love, my baby love.

sábado, 8 de enero de 2011

Letra Baby, Let's Play House de Elvis Presley

Letra Baby, Let's Play House de Elvis Presley

Oh, baby, baby, baby, baby baby.
Baby, baby baby, b-b-b-b-b-b baby baby, baby.
Baby baby baby
Come back, baby, I wanna play house with you.

Well, you may go to college,
You may go to school.
You may have a pink cadillac,
But don't you be nobody's fool.

Now baby,
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby,
I wanna play house with you.

Now listen and I'll tell you baby
What I'm talking about.
Come on back to me, little girl,
So we can play some house.

Now baby,
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby,
I wanna play house with you.
Oh let's play house, baby.

Now this is one thing, baby
That I want you to know.
Come on back and let's play a little house,
And we can act like we did before.
Well, baby,
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby,
I wanna play house with you.


Now listen to me, baby
Try to understand.
I'd rather see you dead, little girl,
Than to be with another man.
Now baby,
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby, come.
Come back, baby, I wanna play house with you.

Oh, baby baby baby.
Baby baby baby b-b-b-b-b-b baby baby baby.
Baby baby baby.
Come back, baby, I wanna play house with you

Letra Ask Me de Elvis Presley

Letra Ask Me de Elvis Presley

Ask me if I wanted to caress you
And I’d confess
Ask me if I'm longing to possess you
I'll answer yes

Now that we’re together
I could hold you close forever
And I swear that I would never let you go

There's no question that I care more than you
Love me darling, just be mine completely
And there's nothing I won't do if you
Just ask me

viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

Letra Anyway You Want Me de Elvis Presley

Letra Anyway You Want Me de Elvis Presley

I'll be a strong as a mountain,
Or weak as a willow tree,
Anyway you want me,
That's how I will be.

I'll be a tame as a baby,
Or wild as the raging sea,
Anyway you want me,
That's how I will be.

In your hand my heart is clay,
To take a mold as you may.
I'm what you make me, you've only to take me,
And in your arms I will stay.

I'll be a fool or a wise man,
My darling you hold the key,
Yes, anyway you want me,
That's how I will be,
I will be.

Letra Animal Instinct de Elvis Presley

Letra Animal Instinct de Elvis Presley

Don’t ever take tour eyes off me
Not even for a minute
‘cause like a panther I might pounce
And that will be the limit

I can be sneaky, fast as a snake
I strike like a cobra, make no mistake
And baby you’ll be trapped, quick as a wink
It’s animal instinct

Don’t think that I won’t pin you down
No matter how you plead it
I’m like a lion who’s been caged
And you are gonna meet it

Watch out I’ll warn ya’, sharp as a hawk
I’m wild as a tiger, I prowl and I stalk
‘cause when a man feels thirst, he takes a drink
It’s animal instinct

You better not be caught off guard
This wolf is on the search now
A leopard just can’t change it’s spots
And I’m about to lurch now
I roar like the jungle, I fight tooth and nail
I just gotta get you, you’ll fall without fail
I’m ready for the kill, I’m right on the brink
It’s animal instinct
It’s animal instinct, animal instinct

martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Descargar Flying Logic Professional 123 Gratis

Descargar Flying Logic Professional 123 Gratis


Flying Logic Professional es un interesante programa de planificación personal basado en la Teoría de restricciones de Eliyahu Goldratt.

La idea principal de Flying Logic Professional es ayudarte en la toma de decisiones a nivel personal o profesional. Para ello, cuenta con diagramas flexibles que puedes construir, mover y repasar a tu antojo.

Qué quieres hacer, por qué, cuáles son sus ventajas, cuáles sus peros... Los mapas conceptuales de Flying Logic Professional son una forma muy visual de plantear tus dudas y decidirte.

Con causa, efecto y mejoración personal como sus bases, la Teoría de restricciones tiene en Flying Logic Professional su herramienta para ponerla en práctica.


Descargar Divvy 102 Gratis

Descargar Divvy 102 Gratis


Grandes, pequeñas, superiores, inferiores, a un lado y a otro... Tener muchas y muy distintas ventanas puede ser un caos, pero Divvy propone una solución eficiente que las organiza en el Escritorio.

Divvy consiste en una rejilla simbólica de seis filas por seis columnas. Al invocar el gestor, que está siempre en segundo plano, aparecerá dicha rejilla y podrás definir qué espacio ocupará en ella la ventana que esté enfocada.

Así, si arrastras el puntero hasta llenar un espacio de tres por cuatro, Divvy amoldará la ventana justamente a este tamaño proporcional, ofreciendo una disposición más ordenada y personalizable de tus programas y sin perder de vista ninguno.


lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

Descargar Sunshine Gratis

Descargar Sunshine Gratis


Gente cayendo del cielo, un mundo sin colores y una planta que crece en busca de iluminar el cielo; ése es el planteamiento de Sunshine.

Tu objetivo en este sencillo juego experimental es rescatar mediante una planta en crecimiento continuo a las personas que caen. Cada vez que rodeas a una de ellas con tus ramas, una flor amarilla nace en su lugar.

No hay opciones en Sunshine, básicamente la acción empieza desde el primer segundo y finaliza cuando las bombas del cielo acaban con tu planta.

Si bien se trata de una idea muy simple, Sunshine es un juego original y visualmente atractivo.


Descargar ZipZap 30 Gratis

Descargar ZipZap 30 Gratis


ZipZap es un navegador con exhaustivos controles parentales, ideado para su uso por todos los miembros de la familia.

No hace falta fijarse mucho para notar de qué navegador ha tomado su aspecto ZipZap. Tanto el motor de renderizado Webkit como la apariencia son idénticos a los de Google Chrome. Esto conlleva también el mismo soporte de temas y extensiones.

La novedad de ZipZap es su gestión familiar. Para cada familia es necesario un registro de cuenta ZipZap y, una vez dentro, el administrador podrá incluir a los miembros de esta que vayan a usarlo. Si el miembro es menor de edad, se activarán opciones de control parental por defecto, impidiendo que pueda acceder a sitios web para adultos.

Además, ZipZap incluye una pequeña red social interna con mensajería entre los participantes de esta comunidad.

Aunque carente de personalidad como aplicación, ZipZap cuenta con buenas ideas y te será muy útil para asegurar la navegación para ti y tus hijos.


domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

Letra You Won't See Me de The Beatles

Letra You Won't See Me de The Beatles

When I call you up,
Your line's engaged.
I have had enough,
So act your age.

We have lost the time
That was so hard to find
And I will lose my mind
If you won't see me.
You won't see me.

I don't know why you
Should want to hide.
But I can't get through.
My hands are tied.

I won't want to stay.
I don't have much to say
And I can turn away
And you won't see me.
You won't see me.

Time after time
You refuse to even listen.
I wouldn't mind
If I knew what I was missing.

Though the days are few
They're filled with tears.
And since I lost you,
It feels like years.

Yes, it seems so long,
Girl, since you've been gone
And I just can't go on
If you won't see me.
You won't see me.

Time after time
You refuse to even listen.
I wouldn't mind
If I knew what I was missing,

Though the days are few
They're filled with tears.
And since I lost you,
It feels like years.

Yes, it seems so long,
Girl, since you've been gone
And I just can't go on
If you won't see me.
You won't see me.

Letra You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) de The Beatles

Letra You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) de The Beatles

You know my name
Look up the number
You know my name
Look up the number
You you know you know my name
You you know you know my name

Good evening and welcome to Slaggers
Featuring Denis O'Bell
Come on Ringo, let's hear it for Denis

Good evening
You know my name
Better look up the number
You know my name
(That's right) look up the number
You you know you know my name
You you know you know my name
You know my name
Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
Look up my number
You know my name
That's right look up the number
Oh you know you know
You know my name you know you know you know my name.

Huh huh huh huh
You know my name
Ba ba ba pum
Look up the number
You know my name
Look up the number
You-a you know you know my name
Baby you-a you know you know my name
You know my name you know you know you know my name
Go on Denis, let's hear it for Denis O'Bell
You know my name you know you know you know you know you know my
Prrr you know my name and the number
You know my name and the number you know you know my name
Look up me number
You know my number three you know my number two
You know my number three you know my number four
You know my name you know number too
You know my name you know my number
What's up with you?

You know my name
That's right

sábado, 1 de enero de 2011

Letra Train de Prince

Letra Train de Prince

I wanna talk 2 U 'bout this love affair
Is it really true that U don't care?
Seems like every day U grow farther away
Tell me what can I say 2 make U stay
Cuz if U really don't love me anymore
(If U don't love me)
I just don't know what 2 say
There's a train that's leavin' in the morning (Train)
That will take U straight 2 Santa Fe (All the way) (Train)
If U feel this thing we got just can't go on (Train)
Then I won't stand in your way
I won't stand in your way
I won't stand in your way, no, no

I'm so in love with U, U're all I wanna be
Whenever U go away, babe, U take a part of me
(Oh, yes U do)
A man's gotta do what he gotta do
But remember, babe, wherever U go, I'm with U
Cuz I need ya

If U really don't love me anymore (If U don't love me)
I just don't know what 2 say
There's a train that's leavin' in the mornin' (Train)
That will take U straight 2 Santa Fe (All the way) (Train)
If U feel this thing we got just can't go on (Train)
I won't stand in your way {x3}

I won't stand in your way, no, no
(Train leavin' without delay)
(Train headed 4 Santa Fe)
Oh no, I won't stand in your way
(Train leavin' without delay)
(Train headed 4 Santa Fe)
Mm yeah
Train, train
(Train leavin' without delay)
(Train headed 4 Santa Fe)
(Train leavin' without delay)
I just can't go on

Letra Thieves In The Temple (Remix) de Prince

Letra Thieves In The Temple (Remix) de Prince


Love - come quick
Love - come in a hurry
There are thieves in the temple 2night
They don't care where they kick
Just as long as they hurt U
There are thieves in the temple 2night

Love - if U're there come save me
From all this cold despair
I can hang when U're around
But I'll surely die if U're not there


I feel like they're looking 4 my soul (Soul)
Like a poor man looking for gold (Gold)
There are thieves in the temple 2night

Voices from the sky say rely on your best friend 2 pull U through
But even if I wanted 2 I couldn't really truly cuz my only friend is U
Come on
There are thieves in the temple 2night

Kicking me… kicking me in my heart
Tearing me all apart (Tearing me, tearing me, tearing me all apart)
Cuz me and U could have been a work of art
Thieves in the temple

Baby, don't U know I'm holding on the best that I can
Love - please help me be the better man
Better than the thieves in the temple, in the temple 2night
Oh, thieves in the temple (2night) 2night
Hurt me


(Thieves in the temple) {x4}
U said U loved me!
U said I was your baby!
U was supposed 2 take care of me! (Love - come quick)
U lied! (Love - come in a hurry)
Lied! Lied! Thieves in the temple 2night

Thieves in the temple 2night {x4}
Thieves in the temple

I'm holdin' on the best that I can (Holdin' on)
Love - please let me be the better man (Let me be)
Better than the ones that wanna count me out (Thieves, thieves)
Better than the ones that don't know what my love's about
I'm talkin' 'bout the kinda love that could move a mountain
The kinda love that could part the sea
The kinda love that'll last 4ever
(No matter what U say, we should be 2gether)
U should be with me (Thieves in the temple)
Yeah, U should be with me

I said I wanna know one thing (Talk 2 me, talk 2 me)
Said I wanna know, I wanna know one thing, baby (Talk 2 me, talk 2 me)
How come U said that I was your baby
When U and your love was gonna leave?
U led me on, led me on thinkin' U was Moses
Herdin' sheep blindly through a fantasy
U done me wrong and everybody knows it (Thieves in the temple)
Now the sound of my voice is pumpin' in your chest
More or less, I am here 2 tell U that
I am the best, better than the rest
Better than the thieves in the temple 2night
2night, 2night, 2night, 2night… hurt me!

Put it in here
(Thieves in the temple) {x2}
Thieves in the temple 2night

What the…? (Thieves in the temple)

Put your foot on the rock
Let me show U how 2 clock
Put your foot on the rock
Let me show U how 2 clock

(Thieves in the temple)
(Thieves, thieves)
What the...? (Thieves in the temple 2night)

Who got the party, who got the party - who? {x4}
(Thieves in the…)
Hurt me!

(Thieves in the temple) {repeat till end}

Thieves in the temple 2night {x2}