
martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Descargar CCleaner 3.14.1616 Gratis

Descargar CCleaner 3.14.1616 Gratis


CCleaner es una utilidad gratuita que limpia el sistema de archivos basura y errores en el Registro. Con unos pocos clic, CCleaner ayuda a recuperar espacio en el disco duro y consigue que el ordenador sea algo más rápido y eficiente.

Cómo limpiar tu PC con CCleanerEl limpiador es la función principal de CCleaner: detecta archivos innecesarios de Windows y de las aplicaciones instaladas. Haz clic en Analizar y deja que CCleaner descubra cuánta basura ha acumulado tu equipo. Otro clic en Ejecutar el limpiador y tendrás tu disco limpio al instante.

Repara el Registro con CCleanerLa sección Registro de CCleaner se dedica a comprobar la integridad del Registro de Windows, el archivo que contiene la configuración del sistema. CCleaner escanea el Registro en busca de más de una docena de tipos de error y ofrece la posibilidad de guardar una copia de seguridad antes de efectuar la reparación.

Opciones avanzadas de CCleanerEl menú Herramientas de CCleaner contiene utilidades más específicas, como un desinstalador rápido de programas, un editor de los programas que se inician con Windows y un gestor de puntos de Restauración. Una novedad de CCleaner 3 es una utilidad con la que borrar el espacio libre (aumentando así la seguridad).

CCleaner es rápido y extraordinariamente sencillo, y si lo invocas desde la Papelera, es aún más veloz.


  • Muy fácil de usar

  • Limpiador de archivos basura

  • Corrector de errores del Registro

  • Herramientas avanzadas

  • Limpiador de espacio libre


  • Pocas opciones de configuración

Descargar gratis


Descargar AVG LiveKive Gratis

Descargar AVG LiveKive Gratis


AVG LiveKive es la nueva herramienta de esta conocida marca asociada a la seguridad para el ordenador. En este caso, el programa pone a salvo a tus datos y los sincroniza en distintos dispositivos.

AVG LiveKive cuenta en su versión gratis con 5 GB de espacio, aunque durante 30 días puedes probar su versión ilimitada. Ese espacio es el que se encarga de guardar los documentos que le indiques: películas, música, fotos... y todo organizado por categorías.

Una opción la mar de interesante de AVG LiveKive es que, además, todos los archivos subidos a la nube del programa están disponibles para enviárselos a quien quieras si activas la característica ShareID. Dentro del programa podrás crear espacios personalizados para compartir estos archivos.

Si has usado otros programas de AVG, verás que no es nada difícil acostumbrarte a sus funciones. Además, AVG LiveKive ofrece un espacio mayor que otras alternativas, por lo que se convierte en una opción más que recomendable para alojar tus datos.


  • Guarda copias y sincroniza los datos

  • Archivos organizados y jerarquizados

  • Compatible con PC, móviles...

  • ShareID para compartir con otros usuarios

  • 5 GB de espacio gratis


  • Proceso de subida algo lento

  • Ejecución pesada

AVG LiveKive


lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Descargar Fotoprix Fotolibro Gratis

Descargar Fotoprix Fotolibro Gratis


Fotoprix Fotolibro supone toda una revolución en el mundo de la fotografía digital y en la manera de disfrutar de tu colección de fotos.

Con Fotoprix Fotolibro no sólo podrás diseñar tu álbum de fotos, sino otros muchos objetos como lienzos, peluches, alfombrillas, agendas, bloc de notas y un largo etcétera. Personalízalos hasta el último detalle y recibe en unos días el resultado cómodamente en tu casa.

Fotoprix Fotolibro destaca sobre todo por su sencillez de uso: todas las operaciones se realizan arrastrando y soltando las imágenes sobre su interfaz. También dispone de una amplia variedad de plantillas de diseño y cuenta con un amplio abanico de opciones de personalización.

Una vez tienes el álbum acabado, desde Fotoprix Fotolibro puedes encargar su impresión en diversos formatos y recibirlo en tu propia casa a los pocos días.


  • Muchos productos distintos

  • Funciones de edición avanzadas


  • Nada reseñable

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Fotoprix Fotolibro


Descargar K-Lite Codec Pack 8.1.0 Full Gratis

Descargar K-Lite Codec Pack 8.1.0 Full Gratis


K-Lite Codec Pack es un paquete de códecs gratuito que agrupa más de 40 códecs de vídeo y audio, desde Xvid, DivX y Matroska para películas hasta OGG, FLAC y AAC para canciones.

El instalador de K-Lite Codec Pack tiene ocho perfiles diferentes. Por ejemplo, si quieres todos los códecs y, además, instalar el excelente reproductor integrado, Media Player Classic, elige el perfil 7. Por otro lado, si prefieres tener sólo los códecs esenciales de K-Lite Codec Pack, opta por el perfil 5.

En las opciones adicionales de K-Lite Codec Pack puedes resetear las opciones a los valores de fábrica, ocultar los iconos de ffdshow, definir la calidad de los subtítulos y un largo etcétera. K-Lite Codec Pack se encarga de detectar filtros y códecs mal configurados y arregla la situación en un momento.

Con K-Lite Codec Pack ya no tendrás problemas para ver películas u oír canciones, sea cual sea su formato.


  • Gran selección de códecs y filtros

  • Ocho perfiles de instalación

  • Incluye Media Player Classic

  • Reparación de filtros y códecs rotos


  • Pocas explicaciones para los parámetros avanzados

Descargar gratis
K-Lite Codec Pack


domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Descargar Realtek HD Audio Drivers R2.67 (2000 / XP) Gratis

Descargar Realtek HD Audio Drivers R2.67 (2000 / XP) Gratis


Realtek HD Audio Drivers es el paquete de controladores oficiales para los codecs HD Audio integrados. Para instalarlos, sólo necesitas descomprimir el fichero ZIP y ejecutar Setup.exe. El asistente de instalación consta de tan sólo tres pasos.

¿Tienes un sistema de 64 bits? No te preocupes: Realtek HD Audio Drivers incluye ficheros tanto para plataformas de 32 bits como para las de 64. Una vez instalados, los controladores requieren un reinicio para funcionar correctamente.

Realtek HD Audio Drivers es imprescindible si usas el audio integrado HD. Mantener actualizados sus controladores mejorará el rendimiento del equipo al reproducir canciones y ejecutar videojuegos.


  • Asistente de instalación en múltiples idiomas

  • Versiones para 32 y 64 bits


  • No detecta la presencia del dispositivo

  • Carece de un panel propio

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Realtek HD Audio Drivers


Descargar Any Video Converter Free 3.3.2 Gratis

Descargar Any Video Converter Free 3.3.2 Gratis


Any Video Converter es una utilidad para convertir vídeos entre diversos formatos, con el propósito principal de poder disfrutarlos en tu dispositivo portátil (iPod, PSP, teléfono móvil...).

Any Video Converter tiene soporte para los formatos más populares, como DivX, XviD, MOV, WMV, MPEG o AVI, convirtiéndolos fácil y rápidamente a MPEG-4 para su visualización en dispositivos portátiles de vídeo.

La conversión en Any Video Converter se realiza mediante una serie de perfiles ya predefinidos, aunque el programa también permite que añadas perfiles personalizados. Es rápido y muy fácil de usar.


  • Compatible con varios formatos

  • Descarga de vídeos de YouTube

  • Soporte para Blu-Ray

  • Reproductor integrado


  • Pocas herramientas de edición

  • Sin soporte para subtítulos

Descargar gratis
Any Video Converter


sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Descargar Thunderbird Portable 9.0.1 (en-US) Gratis

Descargar Thunderbird Portable 9.0.1 (en-US) Gratis


Al igual que su pariente el navegador Firefox, el cliente de correo electrónico de Mozilla, Thunderbird, ya cuenta con su propia versión ?de bolsillo?.

Se trata de una versión de Thunderbird especialmente preparada para ejecutarse desde un dispositivo de memoria portátil USB (los conocidos como USBpen o pendrive). Sólo tienes que copiar los ficheros de Portable Thunderbird en tu dispositivo y podrás usar este cliente allá donde vayas, conectándolo al puerto USB del PC en cuestión.

Thunderbird Portable ha sido optimizado para que trabaje sin problemas con tu perfil personal desde cualquier PC, y te permita también seguir usando tus extensiones favoritas. Eso sí, durante la prueba del programa la extensión para cambiar el idioma a español no acabó de funcionar.

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Thunderbird Portable


Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (es-AR) Gratis

Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (es-AR) Gratis


Mozilla Thunderbird es el gestor de correo de la factoría Mozilla, responsables del archiconocido navegador Firefox.

Entre sus principales características destacan sus potentes filtros de correo, lector RSS y de grupos de noticias integrados, clasificación de mensajes por etiquetas, historial de búsqueda de mensajes y lectura con pestañas.

La seguridad también es muy importante en Mozilla Thunderbird, con protección antifraude, detección de spam y actualizaciones automáticas.

Y al igual que Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird es compatible con temas y añadidos, que mejoran su apariencia y añaden más funciones a las que ya hay, y se puede personalizar fácilmente.


  • Multicuenta

  • Filtros antispam

  • Lectura de RSS

  • Mejorable con extensiones

  • Soporte para pestañas


  • Soporte para correo Web mejorable

  • Interfaz poco manipulable

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Mozilla Thunderbird


viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (EU) Gratis

Descargar Mozilla Thunderbird 9.0.1 (EU) Gratis


Mozilla Thunderbird es el gestor de correo de la factoría Mozilla, responsables del archiconocido navegador Firefox. La particularidad de esta versión es que se encuentra totalmente traducida al euskera.

Entre sus principales características destacan sus potentes filtros de correo, lector RSS y de grupos de noticias integrados, clasificación de mensajes por etiquetas, historial de búsqueda de mensajes y lectura con pestañas.

La seguridad también es muy importante en Mozilla Thunderbird, con protección antifraude, detección de spam y actualizaciones automáticas.

Y al igual que Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird es compatible con temas y añadidos, que mejoran su apariencia y añaden más funciones a las que ya hay, y se puede personalizar fácilmente. Además, todos los menús y opciones de configuración de esta versión de Mozilla Thunderbird están en euskera.


  • Multicuenta

  • Filtros antispam

  • Lectura de RSS

  • Mejorable con extensiones

  • Soporte para pestañas


  • Soporte para correo Web mejorable

  • Interfaz poco manipulable

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Mozilla Thunderbird


Descargar Mo-Search 4.0.13 Beta Gratis

Descargar Mo-Search 4.0.13 Beta Gratis


Mo-Search es un eficiente buscador capaz de localizar en pocos segundos cualquier cadena de texto que le indiques, bien en los nombres de los ficheros, bien en su propio contenido.
El programa ordena los resultados de acuerdo con su relevancia, puede también analizar unidades conectadas en red e integra un visualizador integrado con el que abrir ficheros de texto o imagen.
Mo-Search cuenta además con una herramienta para localizar ficheros duplicados.

Descargar gratis


jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Letra de Wishful Sinful de The Doors

Letra de Wishful Sinful de The Doors

Wishful crystal
Water covers everything in blue
Cooling water

Wishful sinful
Our love is beautiful to see
I know where I would like to be
Right back where I came

Wishful, sinful, wicked blue
Water covers you
Wishful, sinful, wicked you
Can't escape the blue

Magic rising
Sun is shining deep beneath the sea
But not enough for you and me and sunshine
Love to hear the wind cry

Wishful sinful
Our love is beautiful to see
I know where I would like to be
Right back where I came

Wishful, sinful, wicked blue
Water covers you
Wishful, sinful, wicked you
Can't escape the blue

Love to hear the wind cry
Love to hear you cry, yeah, yeah

Letra de Who do You Love de The Doors

Letra de Who do You Love de The Doors

I walked 47 miles on barbed-wire,
Cobra-snake for a necktie.
Built a house by the roadside,
Made of rattlesnake hide.

Brand new chimney up on top,
Made out of human skulls.
Come on baby take a walk with me,
Tell me who do you love?

Who do you love, now?
Who do you love, now?
Who do you love, babe?
I say: Who now, who do you love?

Tombstone head and a graveyard mind,
Just 22 and I don't mind dying.
Rode around the town with a rattlesnake whip,
Come on baby don't give me no lip.

Who do you love, now?
Who do you love?
Who do you love, child?
I said: Who, baby, who do you love?

Night is dark, the sky was blue,
Down the alley the ice wagon flew.
Hit a bump, somebody screamed,
Should'a heard just what I seen.

Do you love me, babe?
Do you love her, yeah
Do you love me, babe?
Do you love it, yeah

Well, who, baby, who do you love?
What do you love, now?

Love, love, love me babe.
Love, love, love me darling.

We're gonna have some fun tonight, right?
All right, all right.

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Letra de Wake Up de The Doors

Letra de Wake Up de The Doors

Wake up!
You can't remember where it was.
Had this dream stopped?
The snake was pale gold
Glazed & shrunken.
We were afraid to touch it.
The sheets were hot dead prisons.

And she was beside me.
Old, she's numb.
Her dark, red hair,
The white soft skin.

Now, run to the mirror in the bathroom,
She's coming in here
I can't live thru each slow century of her moving.
I let my cheek slide down
The cool smooth tile
Feel the good cold stinging blood
The smooth hissing snakes of rain...

Letra de Unhappy Girl de The Doors

Letra de Unhappy Girl de The Doors

Unhappy girl,
Left all alone
Playing solitaire
Playing warden to your soul
You are locked in a prison
Of your own
And you can't believe
What it does to me,
To see you

Unhappy girl,
Tear your web away
Saw thru all your bars
Melt your cell today
You are caught
in a prison
of your own

Unhappy girl,
Fly fast away
Don't miss your chance
To swim in mystery
You are dying
in a prison
Of your own

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Letra de The Wasp de The Doors

Letra de The Wasp de The Doors

I wanna tell you about texas radio and the big beat
Comes out of the virginia swamps
Cool and slow with plenty of precision
With a back beat narrow and hard to master

Some call it heavenly in it s brilliance
Others, mean and ruthful of the western dream
I love the friends I have gathered together on this thin raft
We have constructed pyramids in honor of our escaping
This is the land where the pharaoh died

The negroes in the forest brightly feathered
They are saying, "forget the night
Live with us in forests of azure
Out here on the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we is stoned - immaculate."

Listen to this, and I'll tell you bout the heartache
I'll tell you bout the heartache and the lose of god
I'll tell you bout the hopeless night
The meager food for souls forgot
I'll tell you bout the maiden with raw iron soul

I'll tell you this
No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn

I'll tell you bout texas radio and the big beat
Soft drivin, slow and mad, like some new language

Now, listen to this, and I'll tell you bout the texas
I'll tell you bout the texas radio
I'll tell you bout the hopeless night
Wandering the western dream
Tell you bout the maiden with raw iron soul

Letra de The Piano Bird de The Doors

Letra de The Piano Bird de The Doors

The bird sings outside my piano
Lark of sweet love singing low
The more I play, the more he sings
He lives right up there in the green tree
Singing to me melodies
And in return, I play for him
I played him a song on my piano
Well I played real good, I played what I could
And in return, he sang for me
He lives right there in the tree
Giving me his melodies
A bird sings outside my piano

Well I played real good, I played what I could
And in return, he sang for me
He lives right there in the tree
Giving me his melodies
A bird sings outside my piano

A bird sings outside my piano
Lark of sweet love singing low
He lives right there in the tree
Singing the melodies
The more I play, the more he sings
The bird sings outside my piano

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Letra de The Hill Dwellers de The Doors

Letra de The Hill Dwellers de The Doors

Way back deep into the brain
Way back past the realm of pain
Back where there's never any rain.
And the rain falls gently on the town,
And over the heads of all of us.
And in the labyrinth of streams
Beneath, quiet unearthly presence of
Nervous hill dwellers in the gentle hills around,
Reptiles abounding
Fossils, caves, cool air heights.

Each house repeats a mold
Windows rolled
A beast car locked in against morning.
All now sleeping
Rugs silent, mirrors vacant,
Dust blind under the beds of lawful couples
Wound in sheets.
And daughters, smug
With semen eyes in their nipples

There's been a slaughter here!

Letra de The Celebration Of The Lizard de The Doors

Letra de The Celebration Of The Lizard de The Doors

Lions in the street and roaming
Dogs in heat, rabid, foaming
A beast caged in the heart of a city
The body of his mother
Rotting in the summer ground
He fled the town

He went down South and crossed the border
Left the chaos and disorder
Back there over his shoulder

One morning he awoke in a green hotel
With a strange creature groaning beside him
Sweat oozed from its shiny skin

Is everybody in?
The ceremony is about to begin

Wake up!
You can't remember where it was
Had this dream stopped?

The snake was pale gold
Glazed and shrunken
We were afraid to touch it
The sheets were hot dead prisons

Now, run to the mirror in the bathroom
I can't live thru each slow century of her moving
I let my cheek slide down
The cool smooth tile
Feel the good cold stinging blood
The smooth hissing snakes of rain . . .

Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean
I mean the game called ?go insane?
Now you should try this little game
Just close your eyes forget your name
Forget the world forget the people
And we'll erect a different steeple

This little game is fun to do
Just close your eyes no way to lose
And I'm right there I'm going too
Release control we're breaking thru

Way back deep into the brain
Back where there's never any pain
And the rain falls gently on the town
And in the labyrinth of streams
Beneath, the quiet unearthly presence of
Nervous hill dwellers in the gentle hills around
Reptiles abounding
Fossils, caves, cool air heights

Each house repeats a mold
Windows rolled
Beast car locked in against morning
All now sleeping
Rugs silent, mirrors vacant
Dust blind under the beds of lawful couples
Wound in sheets
And daughters, smug
With semen eyes in their nipples

There's been a slaughter here

(Don't stop to speak or look around
Your gloves and fan are on the ground
We're getting out of town
We're going on the run
And you're the one I want to come)

Not to touch the earth
Not to see the sun
Nothing left to do, but
Run, run, run
Let's run

House upon the hill
Moon is lying still
Shadows of the trees
Witnessing the wild breeze
C'mon baby run with me
Let's run

Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run

The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill
Rich are the rooms and the comforts there
Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs
And you won't know a thing till you get inside

Dead president's corpse in the driver's car
The engine runs on glue and tar
C'mon along, we're not going very far
To the East to meet the Czar

Run with me
Run with me
Run with me
Let's run

Some outlaws lived by the side of the lake
The minister's daughter's in love with the snake
Who lives in a well by the side of the road
Wake up, girl! We're almost home

we to sight the gates by morning
we show be inside the evening

Sun, sun, sun
Burn, burn, burn
Moon, moon, moon
I will get you

We came down
The rivers and highways
We came down from
Forests and falls

We came down from
Carson and Springfield
We came down from
Phoenix enthralled
And I can tell you
The names of the Kingdom
I can tell you
The things that you know
Listening for a fistful of silence
Climbing valleys into the shade

I am the Lizard King
I can do anything
I can make the earth stop in its tracks
I made the blue cars go away
For seven years I dwelt
In the loose palace of exile
Playing strange games
With the girls of the island

Now I have come again
To the land of the fair, and the strong, and the wise
Brothers and sisters of the pale forest
O Children of Night
Who among you will run with the hunt?

Now Night arrives with her purple legion
Retire now to your tents and to your dreams
Tomorrow we enter the town of my birth
I want to be ready?

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Letra de Summer's almost gone de The Doors

Letra de Summer's almost gone de The Doors

Summer's almost gone
Summer's almost gone
Almost gone
Yeah, it's almost gone
Where will we be
When the summer's gone?

Morning found us calmly unaware
Noon burn gold into our hair
At night, we swim the laughin' sea
When summer's gone
Where will we be
Where will we be
Where will we be

Morning found us calmly unaware
Noon burn gold into our hair
At night, we swim the laughin' sea
When summer's gone
Where will we be

Summer's almost gone
Summer's almost gone
We had some good times
But they're gone
The winter's comin' on
Summer's almost gone

Letra de Spanish Caravan de The Doors

Letra de Spanish Caravan de The Doors

Carry me, caravan.
Take me away.
Take me to Portugal.
Take me to Spain.
With fields full of grain,
I have to see you
Again and again.
Take me, Spanish caravan.
Yes, I know you can.

Trade winds find Galleons
Lost in the sea.
I know where treasure
Is waiting for me.
Silver and gold
In the mountains of Spain,
I have to see you
Again and again.
Take me, Spanish caravan.
Yes, I know you can.

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Letra de Shaman's Blues de The Doors

Letra de Shaman's Blues de The Doors

There will never be
Another one like you
There will never be
Another one who can
Do the things you do, Oh

Will you give another chance?
Will you try a little try?
Please stop and you'll remember
We were together
All right!

Now, if you have a certain evening
You could lend to me
I'd give it all right back to you
Know how it has to be, with you
I know your moods
And your mind
And your mind
And your mind
And your mind
And your mind

Will you stop and think and wonder?
Just what you'll see
Out on the train-yard
Nursing penitentiary
It's gone
I cry out long

Go head, brother

Did you stop to consider
How it will feel,
Cold grinding grizzly bear jaws
Hot on your heels

Do you often stop and whisper
It's Saturday's shore
The whole world's a savior,
Who could ever ever ever ever, ever, ever
Ask for more?

Do you remember?
Will you stop?
Will you stop, the pain?

There will never be another one
Like you
There will never be
Another one who can
Do the things you do, Oh

Will you give another chance?
Will you try, a little try?
Please stop and you'll remember
We were together
All right

How you must think and wonder
How I must feel
Out on the meadows
While you're on the field
I'm alone for you
And I cry

"He's sweatin', look at him...
optical promise...
you'll be dead and in hell before
I'm born...
sure thing...bridesmaid...
the only solution...
Isn't it amazing?"

Letra de Riders On The Storm de The Doors

Letra de Riders On The Storm de The Doors

Riders on the storm

Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm

There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirming like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play

If you give this man a ride
Sweet family will die
Killer on the road, yeah

Girl you gotta love your man

Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Or life will never end
Gotta love your man, yeah

Riders on the storm

Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Letra de Peace Frog de The Doors

Letra de Peace Frog de The Doors

There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
She came
There's blood on the streets, it's up to my knee
She came
Blood on the streets in the town of Chicago
She came
Blood on the rise, it's following me

She came just about the break of day
She came and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair

She came
Blood in the streets runs a river of sadness
She came
Blood in the streets it's up to my thigh
She came
Yeah the river runs down the legs of the city
She came
The women are crying red rivers of weepin'

She came into town and then she drove away
Sunlight in her hair
Indians scattered on dawn's highway
Bleeding ghosts crowd
The young child's fragile eggshell mind

Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven
Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice
Blood in my love in the terrible summer
Bloody red sun of Phantastic L.A.
Blood screams the pain as they chop off her fingers
Blood will be born in the birth of a nation
Blood is the rose of mysterious union

There's blood in the streets, it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets, it's up to my knee
Blood in the streets in the town of Chicago
Blood on the rise, it's following me

Letra de Newborn Awaking de The Doors

Letra de Newborn Awaking de The Doors

Gently they stir, gently rise
The dead are newborn awakening
With ravaged limbs and wet souls
Gently they sigh in rapt funeral amazement
Who called these dead to dance?
Was it the young woman learning to play the ghost song on her baby grand?
Was it the wilderness children?
Was it the ghost god himself, stuttering, cheering, chatting blindly?
I called you up to anoint the earth
I called you to announce sadness falling like burned skin
I called you to wish you well
To glory in self like a new monster
And now i call you to pray

jueves, 19 de enero de 2012

Letra de Mosquito de The Doors

Letra de Mosquito de The Doors

No me moleste mosquito
No me moleste mosquito
No me moleste mosquito
Why don't you go home?

No me moleste mosquito
Let me eat my burrito
No me moleste mosquito
Why don't you go home?

Letra de Mean Mustard Blues de The Doors

Letra de Mean Mustard Blues de The Doors

Well baby you been away so long woman,
Yeah baby, you've been away so long.
Well come on back baby,
Cos your man wants you home.

My little baby weighs about five hundred pounds,
My little baby weighs about five hundred pounds,
When my woman makes love,
Boys you oughta come around.

Well were fighting in the war,
Tears are gonna fall,
Oh baby, well it's alright,
I'm going home, back where I belong.

" Oh Detroit....
You're lookin' good tonight.
I feel good in Detroit City.
Do you know what the blues is?
You know.
I know you people know out there,
Cos I can feel ya.
I can feel you boogying all night."

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Letra de Love Me Tender de The Doors

Letra de Love Me Tender de The Doors

All your dreams fullfilled.
I am yours and you are mine,
And we always will.

Love me tender,
Love me true,
All my dreams fullfilled.
You are mine,
And I am yours,
And I always will.

Love me tender,
Love me true,
All my dreams fullfilled.
You are mine,
And I am yours,
And I always will.

Letra de Lions In The Street de The Doors

Letra de Lions In The Street de The Doors

Lions in the street and roaming
Dogs in heat, rabid, foaming
A beast caged in the heart of a city
The body of his mother
Rotting in the summer ground.
He fled the town.
He went down South and crossed the border
Left the chaos and disorder
Back there over his shoulder.

One morning he awoke in a green hotel
With a strange creature groaning beside him.
Sweat oozed from its shiny skin.

Is everybody in?
The ceremony is about to begin.

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Letra de L.A. Woman de The Doors

Letra de L.A. Woman de The Doors

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago.
Took a look around see which way the wind blow,
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows.
Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light
Or just another lost angel?
City of Night.
City of Night.
City of Night.
City of Night.
Whoo! C'mon!

L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.
L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.
L.A. Woman. Sunday afternoon.
Drive thru your suburbs
Into your blues.
Into your blues.
Yeah, yeah.
Into your blues.
Into your blues.

I see your hair is burnin'.
Hills are filled with fire.
If they say I never loved you,
You know they are a liar.

Drivin' down your freeways.
Midnight alleys roam .
Cops in cars. The topless bars.
Never saw a woman
So alone.
So alone.
So alone.
So alone.

Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.
Let's change the mood from glad to sadness.

Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Gotta keep on risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Mr. Mojo Risin'.
Gotta keep on risin'.
Risin', risin'.
Risin', risin'.
Risin', risin'.
Risin', risin'.
Risin', risin'.
Risin', risin'.

Well, I just got into town about an hour ago.
Took a look around see which way the wind blow,
Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows.
Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light
Or just another lost angel?
City of Night.
City of Night.
City of Night.
City of Night.
Oh! Oh!

L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman.
L.A. Woman..

Letra de Indian Summer de The Doors

Letra de Indian Summer de The Doors

I love you, the best
Better than all the rest
I love you, the best
Better than all the rest
That I meet in the summer

Indian summer

That I meet in the summer

Indian summer

I love you, the best
Better than all the rest

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

Letra de I Looked At You de The Doors

Letra de I Looked At You de The Doors

I looked at you
You looked me
I smiled at you
You smiled at me

And we're on our way
No we can't turn back
Yeah, we're on our way
And we can't turn back
'Cause it's too late
Too late, too late
Too late, too late

And we're on our way
No we can't turn back
Yeah, we're on our way
And we can't turn back

I walked with you
You walked with me
I talked to you
You talked to me

And we're on our way
No, we can't turn back
Yeah, we're on our way
And we can't turn back
'Cause it's too late
Too late, too late
Too late, too late

And we're on our way
No, we can't turn back
Yeah, we're on our way
And we can't turn back
'Cause it's too late
Too late, too late
Too late, too late

Letra de Hour For Magic de The Doors

Letra de Hour For Magic de The Doors

resident mockery
give us an hour for magic
We of the purple glove
We of the starling light and velvet hour
We of the arabic pleasure's breed
We of the sundome and the nightGive us greed
To beleive
A night of Lust
Give us trust in
The Night
Give of color
hundred huies
a rich mandala
for me and you
and your silky
pillowed house
a head, wisdom
and a bed
Troubled decree
Resident mockery
has claimed thee
We used to believe
in hte good old days
We still recieve
In little ways
The things of Kindness
and unsporting brow
Forget and allow
Did you know freedom exists in a school book
Did you know madmen are running our prison
within a jail, within a gaol
within a white protestant
We're perched headlong on the edge of boredom
We're reacing for death on the end of a candle
We're trying for something
That's already found us

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Letra de Heartbreak Hotel de The Doors

Letra de Heartbreak Hotel de The Doors

Since my baby left me,
I found a new house to dwell.
Since my baby left me,
Found a brand new house to dwell.
Out on the end of tommorow street,
And I wish her well.

Letra de Go Insane de The Doors

Letra de Go Insane de The Doors

Once I had a little game
I liked to crawl back in my brain
I think you know the game I mean
I mean the game called 'go insane'
Now you should try this little game
Just close your eyes forget your name
Forget the world, forget the people
And we'll erect a different steeple.

This little game is fun to do.
Just close your eyes, i'm going too.
And I'm right here, no way to lose.
Release control, we're breaking through

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Letra de Matutina de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Matutina de Fernando Delgadillo

Oigo, como llama una
campana que a esta de
la mañana ya se fija en él
reloj oigo al viento que sopla
ligero y oigo el estruendoso
vuelo pasajero de un avión.

Oigo como pasa la vecina
que canta mientras camina
y a lo lejos un motor.
Con el que imaginó una
ventana que creció junto a
mi cama cuando el sueño
me venció.

Oigo un perro ladrando
distante y revoloteos
constantes de unos pájaros
que están siempre dispután-
dose las ramas como todas
las mañanas y anunciando
que se irán.

Oigo y lo que oigo me
y oigo junto a mí la idea
de que tengo que salir
a ser parte de esta algarabía
que al menos por este día
todavía se deja oír.

Oigo un sin fin de ruidos
urbanos que quizás por
cotidianos nunca llaman mi
atención oigo todo lo que
siempre he oído y en la
almohada oigo el latido
de mi propio corazón.

Letra de Llovizna de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Llovizna de Fernando Delgadillo

Ahi en el mar que enjuaga las distantes costas
Donde tu solitaria barca ha de varar
Ya vendra el tiempo y su largo velo de olvido
Que amaina todos lod dolores y aún asi...recordaras
A veces hay que pararse bajo la lluvia,
Pero de todos es comenzar otra vez
Consiste solo en continuar
Lo dice un hombre que
Habita en donde nunca deja de llover.

Arde la piel busca en todas tus caricias
Los encendidos arrebatos de su piel
Y las estrellas titilantes vieron frías
La angosta estela de la barca en que se fue.
A veces piensas que le olvidas y te animas
Algunas otras no lo puedes resistir
Lo cierto es que el dolor te rodeo en sus espinas
Y tú tan solo no volviste a sonreír

Recordaras otras estrellas, otros cielos
Hasta otras noches mas gratas recordaras
Y entre el constante ir y venir de los recuerdos
Te va empujando la marea por donde vas
¿a donde iras para escaparte de ti misma
Que blanca arena sanara tu corazón?
Yo solo se de oscuridades de lloviznas
Luego después de todo, siempre brilla el sol

Así es amar querida mía sin esperanza
Por eso el alma solo se entrega una vez
Después la vida nos traiciona la confianza
Y uno no vuelve a ser aquello que un día fue
Y fluya el dulce melodioso de tu llanto
Suspiro y viento que agitan al corazón
Porque llorando se remiendan los quebrantos
Y la sal cura las heridas que ha sufrido la ilusión
Por eso el mar es el refugio de los tristes
Por el cielo azul no cabe en mi canción
Esta canción que solo quiere ser llovizna
Que se derrame venturosa refrescando tu dolor
Recordaras otras estrellas, otros cielos
Hasta otras noches mas gratas recordaras
Y entre el constante ir y venir de los recuerdos
Te va empujando la marea por donde vas
A donde iras para escaparte de ti misma
Que blanca arena sanara tu corazón
Yo solo se de oscuridades de lloviznas
Luego después de todo siempre brilla el sol

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Letra de La Muñeca peda de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de La Muñeca peda de Fernando Delgadillo

Se arrastra por los rincones,
y gateaba bajo las mesas,
se agarraba de los sillones,
la pobre muñeca peda.

Un brazito ya se vomitó,
su faldita esta llena de orín,
al dormirse un zapato perdió,
y trae roto el calcetín.

Muñequita — le dijo el del bar,
ya no te hagas tontita,
ya quiero cerrar,
tus amigos los 15 ratones
dijeron que el ultimo iba a pagar...

La cuenta te voy a decir
noventa cervezas, tres de fundador,
diez de whisky Passport, seis frascos de ron,
tejuneras, champaña y un Ron Potosí,
tequila, dos más y un coctel Bacardi.

Seis piñas coladas, un desarmador
diez París de noche, tres Bulls y un bourbón
dos congas, diez bombas dos de Tanguarniz
Ron Pope, Amaretto y la ronda de anís.

Seis cajas de coca, tres de Tehuacán
sesenta guajinas, diez vasos y más
botanas, cigarros propinas también
y los tacos que juntos fueron a comer.

Letra de La Princesa Ha Estado Triste de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de La Princesa Ha Estado Triste de Fernando Delgadillo

La princesa ha estado triste

La princesa tiene sueño
porque no ha dormido bien;
porque hoy vino a recostarse
antes del amanecer.

La princesa tiene un cuento
que no ha querido contar
ni a sus doncellas, ni amigas,
ni a la reina, su mamá.

La princesa es tan hermosa
que no se deja tocar
ni por el viento nocturno,
ni la estrella más polar.

Y se refugia en las noches
en lecho blando y feliz,
donde espera ilusionada
a su amante que va a venir.

El burla la vigilancia
y se cuela en la habitación
donde elogia a la princesa
por su hermosura y candor.

La princesa hace promesas
pero no ha pensado hacer
nada de lo que su amante
le ha propuesto cometer.

Ella evade las caricias,
cambia la conversación.
Cada vez más insinuante
de ese amante corazón.

La princesa tiene sueño
porque no ha dormido bien;
porque estuvo forcejeando
casi hasta el amanecer.

La princesa oyó de males
que ocurren a cada cual,
no se hubiera imaginado
que es de los amantes
el amor, peor mal.

La princesa está tranquila
porque ha puesto en marcha un plan.
Puso cerrojo en sus puertas
y a la guardia vigilar.

Y alguien sufre por princesas
que no han querido entender
que prender fuego es tan malo,
como apagarlo después.

La princesa ha estado triste
porque no ha dormido bien;
porque ha estado despertando
antes del amanecer.

Hay princesa paso el tiempo
y esto y más ocurrió ayer.
Ahora que se os ha ido el sueño,
dice os olvidasteis bien.
Ahora que él os ha olvidado
di ¿por qué pensáis en él?.

Letra de La Ba de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de La Ba de Fernando Delgadillo

Te sorprendi a traves
Del cristal de la bañera
Cuando una puerta abierta
Me invito a mirar la escena

De tu piel que entre las nubes
De vapor se humedece y se despierta

El agua cae constante
Y te recorre y busca el suelo
Recuerdo que en la tarde
Era yo quien media tu cuerpo

Con la constancia de quien
Descubre eso que anda buscando
Y aun asi, y aun asi
Y aun asi se da su tiempo.

Y te miro a traves
Del cristal de la bañera
Recoges el jabon
Y me concentro en tus caderas

Lo pasas por tu piel tan dulcemente
Que le envidio su carrera.

Tus gestos no se ven,
Ni se ve el color de tus ojos
Disueltos con vapor tus labios
No llevan su tono usual de rojo

Y el tono de tu piel
Siempre contra el de la pared
Resulta en curvas, contornos
Jabon y espuma

El remedio para mi ser
Digo bien, para mi ser.

Te sigo mirando a traves
Del cristal de la bañera
Lo miro casi todo
Y todo lo que veo me ciega

No te he llamado
Y tu en tu intimidad
No te das cuenta

Pensaba visitarte
Y tu tan bella e indispuesta
Que me decidi a marcharme,
Pero no a cerrar la puerta
Para verte cuando escriba
Y no sea que desaparezcas

(para verte cuando escriba
No sea que

jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Letra de Hoy Ten Miedo De Mi de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Hoy Ten Miedo De Mi de Fernando Delgadillo

Hoy que llevo en la boca el sabor a vencido
procura tener a la mano a un amigo que cuide tu frente y tu voz
Y que cuide de ti, para ti y tus vestidos
y a tus pensamientos mantenlos atentos y a mano a tu amigo

La importancia de verte y morderte los labios de preocupación
es hoy tan necesaria como verte siempre
como andar siguiéndote con la cabeza en la imaginación
Porque sabes, y si no lo sabes, no importa,
yo sé lo que siento, yo sé lo que cortan después unos labios
esos labios rojos y afilados
y estos puños que tiemblan de rabia cuando estas contenta
Que tiemblan de muerte si alguien se te acercara a ti.

Hoy procura que aquella ventana que mira a la calle en tucuarto
se tenga cerrada porque no vaya a ser yo el viento de la noche
y te mida y recorra la piel con mi aliento
y hasta te acaricie y te deje dormir
y me meta en tu pecho y me vuelva a salir
y respires de mí...

O me vuelva una estrella y te estreche en mis rayos
y todo por no hacerme un poco de caso
ten miedo de mayo
y ten miedo de mí

porque no vaya a ser que cansado de verte
me meta en tus brazos para poseerte y te arranque las ropas
y te bese los pies
y te llame mi diosa
y no pueda mirarte de frente
y te diga llorando después:
por favor tenme miedo
tiembla mucho de miedo mujer
porque no puede ser...

Letra de Eterno De Piel Y Luz de Fernando Delgadillo

Letra de Eterno De Piel Y Luz de Fernando Delgadillo

De piel y luz tenía pendiente un mañana
Tenía pendiendo de su piel brillante luz
Cuando de las rosas de sus ojos se arrullaban
Muy despacio como viento en agua azul.

Cómo contarte del encanto de esa calma
De aquella paz que da la ausente vanidad
Cómo imprimir que de su boca perfumada
Translucieran mas que ensueños, majestad.
Cómo robarle con un beso la sentada limpidez
De su semblante tan causal.

Qué más perfecta saciedad
Puede seguir haciendo a dos
Tan solamente como estábamos
Ayer mi pena y yo.

Si es que es lo eterno sólo un sueño
Al consecuente no existir
Ayer sin ti vivía muriendo y hoy
Me acabo de dormir.

Cómo contarte del embrujo de esa pausa
Lo vulnerable de esa piel, su despertar
Yo que encontraba fantasías con mis manos
Y estando en ella hoy tan sólo tengo que temblar.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Letra de Holiday de Madonna

Letra de Holiday de Madonna

Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
If we took a holiday
Took some time to celebrate
Just one day out of life
It would be, it would be so nice
Everybody spread the word
We´re gonna have a celebration
All across the world
In every nation
It´s time for the good times
Forget about the bad times, oh yeah
One day to come together
To release the pressure
We need a holiday
You can turn this world around
And bring back all of those happy days
Put your troubles down
It´s time to celebrate
Let love shine
And we will find
A way to come together
And make things better
We need a holiday
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday Celebrate
Holiday, Celebration
Come together in every nation

Letra de High Flying Adored de Madonna

Letra de High Flying Adored de Madonna

High flying, adored
So young, the instant queen
A rich beautiful thing, of all the talents
A cross between a fantasy of the bedroom and a saint
You were just a backstreet girl
Hustling and fighting, scratching and biting

High flying, adored
Did you believe in your wildest moments
All this would be yours
That you'd become the lady of them all?

Were there stars in your eyes
When you crawled in at night
From the bars, from the sidewalks
From the gutter theatrical
Don't look down, it's a long, long way to fall

High flying, adored
What happens now, where do you go from here?
For someone on top of the world
The view is not exactly clear
A shame you did it all at twenty-six
There are no mysteries now
Nothing can thrill you, noone fulfill you

High flying, adored
I hope you come to terms with boredom
So famous so easily, so soon
It's not the wisest thing to be

You won't care if they love you
It's been done before
You'll despair if they hate you
You'll be drained of all energy
All the young who've made it would agree

High flying, adored
That's good to hear but unimportant
My story's quite usual
Local girl makes good, weds famous man
I was stuck in the right place at the perfect time
Filled a gap, I was lucky
But one thing I'll say for me
No one else can feeling like i can

martes, 10 de enero de 2012

Letra de Hello And Goodbye de Madonna

Letra de Hello And Goodbye de Madonna

Hello and goodbye, I just unemployed you
You can go back to school
You've had a good run, I'm sure he enjoyed you
Don't act sad or surprised, let's be friends, civilized

Come on little one, don't sit there like a dummy
The day you knew would arrive is here, you'll survive
So move, funny face

I like your conversation, you've a catchy turn of phrase
You're obviously going through some adolescent phase

So what happens now?
So what happens now?
Where am I going to?
(Peron:) You'll get by, you always have before
(Mistress:) Where am I going to?

Letra de Has To Be de Madonna

Letra de Has To Be de Madonna

Breathe in, breathe out
I say a little prayer
How the gods above
Could be so unfair


I know there's someone out there
Waiting for me
There must be someone out there
There just has to be

Go on, go on
Don't sit there like a fool
You've graduated from
A different kind of school

(chorus) (repeat)

I should be glad that I'm alive
It could have been much worse
I might have never loved at all
And never known what I am worth

How the gods above
Could be so unfair

(chorus) (repeat)

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Letra de Guilty By Association de Madonna

Letra de Guilty By Association de Madonna

You've been sanctified
And I've been tried
Guilty by association

You've been canonized
And I've been fried
Guilty by association

All the little loonies
With a salient obsession
Come out from the boonies
With their sharpies and their guns
And we're loaded with questions

Guilty by association
Guilty by association

You've been idolized
And I've been tried
(Spoken:) [I've been tried]
Guilty by association

You've been terrorized
And I've been fried
Guilty by association

All the little loonies
With a salient obsession
Come out from the boonies
With their sharpies and their guns
They're all loaded with questions

Loaded with questions

Letra de Goodbye To Innocence de Madonna

Letra de Goodbye To Innocence de Madonna

I don't wanna say goodbye

There are some who believe that I owe them something
But they're wrong, I owe nothing to no one but myself
And there are some who say they created me
But only my parents will have that acclaim
I took it from there, I am to blame


Say goodbye to anonymity
I have to [have to, have to] say goodbye
To privacy, but most of all
To innocence (repeat 3 times)

My life is not a game that I play to entertain you
And if you can do it better, then you're welcome to my fame
I'm not gonna waste my time correcting myths and rumors
You believe what you wanna believe


I don't wanna say goodbye
I don't need a reason to cry
Kinda makes me wanna
Kinda makes me hafta

Stop and think about it (repeat 3 times)
Do I want to?

I don't [getting up and down]
I don't [getting up and down]
I don't [getting down and up]

Up-up, d-d-down, up-up-up

I don't [getting up and down]
I don't [getting up and down]
I don't [getting up and down]

Up-up, d-d-down, up-up-up

Listen up
It always comes down to this (repeat)

Some people have a snake at the base of their spine
That would suck out your life, that would take all your time
They're called feeders
They're not believers but you must not fear it
They're takers

You know you better stop, stop and think about it (repeat 3

Your innocence (repeat 3 times)

I don't wanna say goodbye to innocence
I don't need a reason to cry, innocence

Hold on to your innocence
Hold on [hold on, hold on], hold on to innocence
Hold on

Stop and think about it, say goodbye, think about it (repeat

domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

Letra de Dead Cell de Papa Roach

Letra de Dead Cell de Papa Roach

Born with no soul, lack of control
Cut from the mold of the anti-social
Plug them in and turn them on
Process the data, make yourself the bomb
What is your target? What is your reason?
Do you have emotions? Is your heart freezin'?
Seizing this opportunity to speak
Ya didn't say nothin' but turn your fuckin' cheek

Dead cell! Dead cell!

Sick in the head, livin but dead,
Hear what I said
Learn a lesson from the almighty dread
Jah, nutty warrior, nothing's scarier
Kids are getting sick like malaria
Situation get harrier, throwing up all types of barriers
I'm telling ya the kids are getting singled out
Let me hear the dead cells shout

Dead cell! Dead cell!

Born with no soul, lack of control
Cut from the mold of the anti-social
Plug them in and turn them on
Process the data, make yourself the bomb
No soul, no control
Cut from the mold of the anti-social
Plug them in and turn them on
Process the data, make yourself the bomb

Stop pointing fingers 'cause we are the guilty
Of clean cut lies and truth that's filthy
Believe what is the root of the word
Out comes lie when it's cut into thirds
I don't believe what my eyes behold, no!
I don't believe what my ears are told , no!
Seizin', this opportunity to speak
I'm saying something
Don't turn your fuckin' cheek

Dead cell! Dead cell!

Born with no soul, lack of control
Cut from the mold of the anti-social
Plug them in and turn them on
Process the data, make yourself the bomb
No soul, no control (Dead cell)
Cut from the mold of the anti-social (Dead cell)
Plug them in and turn them on (Dead cell)
Process the data, make yourself the bomb (Dead cell)

Dead, Cell
Dead, Cell!

Dead cell! Dead cell!

Letra de Conquer The World (Die Trying featuring Jacoby Shaddix) de Papa Roach

Letra de Conquer The World (Die Trying featuring Jacoby Shaddix) de Papa Roach

They used to say we were born to lose
That we'd never make it our whole lives through
That we'd be stuck in this dead end town
With the whole world against us we set out on our own
To find our way of life, and our way around
They tried to say we'd be nothing, they only said it just to keep us down
They were never gonna get me down, they were never gonna keep us down
You can't take this time away ..

Cause I am everything I said I'd ever be
So f*ck you and f*ck your town cause I got dreams
I'm gonna conquer the world, just you wait and see
I'm proving you wrong every single day

I remember as if it was yesterday, the good old days back in nineteen-nighty-three
Through thick and thin you are my blood brother
We all got drunk and sang our songs, it's what we did for fun
They tried to say we'd be nothing, they only said that just to keep us down
But you can't hold me down, they keep runnin' their mouths
Saying something that I don't need to hear

Cause I am everything I said I'd ever be
So f*ck you and f*ck your town cause I got dreams
I'm gonna conquer the world, just you wait and see
I'm proving you wrong every single day

Now we're older and we'll never be the same
We don't live by the rules, and that will never change

Cause I am everything I said I'd ever be
So f*ck you and f*ck your town cause I got dreams
I'm gonna conquer the world, just you wait and see
I'm proving you wrong every single day ..

I'm gonna conquer the world (x3)

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Letra de Don't Stop de Madonna

Letra de Don't Stop de Madonna

Get up on the dance floor
Everything is groovin'
Get up on the dancer floor
Got to see you movin'
Let the music shake you
Let the rhythm take you
Feel it in your body
Sing la de da de

Don't stop, doin' what you're doin' baby
Don't stop, keep movin' - keep groovin'

Come on join the party
Let the bassline pump you
Bring your body over
Baby let me bump you
I know I can groove you
You know I can move you
Feel it in your body
Sing la de da de


Keep on, doin' what you're doin' baby
Keep on, don't stop groovin'
Keep on, doin' what you're doin' baby
Keep on, keep movin', keep groovin'

Get up on the dancer floor
Everything is groovin'
Get up on the dancer floor
Got to see you movin'
Let the music shake you
Let the rhythm take you
Feel it in your body
Sing la de da de


Keep on, doin' what you're doin' baby
Keep on, don't stop groovin'
Keep on, doin' what you're doin' baby
Keep on, keep movin', keep groovin'

Keep on, keep movin', keep groovin

Letra de Die Another Day de Madonna

Letra de Die Another Day de Madonna

I'm gonna wake up, yes and no
I'm gonna kiss, some part of
I'm gonna keep this secret
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day, another day
I guess I'll die another day, another day
I guess I'll die another day, another day
I guess I'll die another day

Sigmund Freud
Analyse this
Analyse this
Analyse this, this, this...

I'm gonna break the cycle
I'm gonna shake up the system
I'm gonna destroy my ego
I'm gonna close my body now

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go

For every sin, I'll have to pay
I've come to work, I've come to play
I think I'll find another way
It's not my time to go

I'm gonna avoid the cliché
I'm gonna suspend my senses
I'm gonna delay my pleasure
I'm gonna close my body now

I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day

I think I'll find another way
There's so much more to know
I guess I'll die another day
It's not my time to go


I need to lay down

I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
I guess I'll die another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Another day

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Letra de Code Of Energy de Papa Roach

Letra de Code Of Energy de Papa Roach

I was scatterbrained
When I found the time to find
That times that are evil
Sick and disjointed
My skin is thick
Thick and calloused
I'm ready to shed the shell
Ready to shed the shell

So you think you have figured me out
A young man lost in his problems
Some problems aren't that easy to solve
And you can't break our code of energy

I'm bent out of shape
There is no happy ending
I've come to a point
Where I just don't give a fuck
My skin is thick
Thick and calloused
I'm ready to shed the shell
Ready to shed the shell

The code of energy
Ready to shed the shell
The code of energy
Ready to shed the shell
The code of energy
Ready to shed the shell
The code of energy

So you think you have figured me out
A young man lost in his problems
Some problems aren't that easy to solve
And you can't break our code of energy

Code of energy
Code of energy
Code of energy

I'm paranoid
I'm in the void
Haunted by insecurity
Bipolar Asymmetry

Our new vision of passion and obsession
Is planetary ingestion
And there is no time for question
We don't need any special equipment
No descrambler, no black box
Our antennas are up, aligned, and ready to recieve
We are all just searching, searching for satellite signal
Waiting for the channel to come in loud and clear

So you think you have figured me out
A young man lost in his problems
Some problems aren't that easy to solve
And you can't break our code of energy

So you think you have figured me out
A young man lost in his problems
Some problems aren't that easy to solve
And you can't break our code of energy

I'm paranoid

Letra de Cicatrices (Scars In Spanish) de Papa Roach

Letra de Cicatrices (Scars In Spanish) de Papa Roach

Mi corazón esta abierto, lo tengo que cerrar
Me importas tanto, esa es mi debilidad
Mis heridas me recuerdan que el pasado es real
Mi corazón esta abierto para poder sentir

Estoy borracho y me siento mal
Yo quiero estar solo
Me duele porque estas aquí, solo déjame en paz
Porque guardas tu dolor y no hay nada que yo pueda hacer
Me estas volviendo loco y yo te digo

Mi corazón esta abierto, lo tengo que cerrar
Me importas tanto, esa es mi debilidad
Mis heridas me recuerdan que el pasado es real
Mi corazón esta abierto para poder sentir

Yo traté de ayudarte cuando no quería hacerlo
Te estas haciendo daño y no lo puedes ver
Que te ahogas en el agua y mi mano te ofrecí
Compasión eso me sobra pero esta noche no habrá más

Mi corazón esta abierto, lo tengo que cerrar
Me importas tanto, esa es mi debilidad
Mis heridas me recuerdan que el pasado es real
Mi corazón esta abierto para poder sentir

Estoy borracho y me siento mal
Yo quiero estar solo
No tienes porque estar aquí, solo déjame en paz
Que te ahogas en el agua y mi mano te ofrecí
Mi corazón esta abierto y no lo puedes entender no lo puedes entender

Tienes que cambiar

No puedo hacerte cambiar pero esta vez yo trate
Lo siento porque tengo que seguir con mi vida
No puedo hacerte cambiar pero esta vez yo trate
Lo siento porque tengo que seguir con mi vida

Mi corazón esta abierto, lo tengo que cerrar
Me importas tanto, esa es mi debilidad
Mis heridas me recuerdan que el pasado es real
Mi corazón esta abierto para poder sentir (x2)

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Letra de Caught Dead de Papa Roach

Letra de Caught Dead de Papa Roach

I've got passion and a reason
And I won't neglect my emotions
Because I want to spill
Spill my guts
But I don't want to pick them up
I've got passion and reason
And I won't neglect my emotions
I'm excited and I'm exploding
I'm ignited and I'm ready to go off

Throw me down
Death can't wait

'Cause I'd rather be caught dead
Than be weak
And on my last days I'll still be standing strong
'Cause I'd rather be caught dead
Than be weak
And on my last days I'll still be standing strong

Because I want to spill
Spill my guts
But I don't want to pick them up
I've got too much pride and desire
To let this go I'll walk through fire
I've got passion and a reason
And I won't neglect my emotions

Throw me down
Death can't wait

Cause I'd rather be caught dead
Than be weak
And on my last days I'll still be standing strong
'Cause I'd rather be caught dead
Than be weak
And on my last days I'll still be standing strong

Throw me down
Death can't wait

I'd rather be caught dead than weak

'Cause I'd rather be caught dead
Than be weak
And on my last days I'll still be standing strong
'Cause I'd rather be caught dead
Than be weak
And on my last days I'll still be standing...

Letra de Can't Get No Satisfaction de Papa Roach

Letra de Can't Get No Satisfaction de Papa Roach

La la la la la la la la la la la
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
And i try
And I try
And i try
And i try oh

I can't get no satisfaction
When I'm drivin in my car, and that man come on the radio
He's telling me more and more about some usless information
S'posed to fire my imagination, I can't get no, ah no no ah no
Hey hey hey hey, this is what i say yeah yea

I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no 3rd reaction
And i try
And I try
And i try
And i try babe
i can't get no

I can't get no satisfaction
When I'm watching my tv uh uh
And that girl comes on and tells me
How tight my skirt should be, she can't tell me who to be babe
I've got my own identity uh

I can't no, ah no no ah no

I can't no uh satisfaction
And i try
And I try
And i try
And i try
I just can't get no

I can't get no satisfaction (no no nah no)
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no (baby) satisfaction
I can't get no(I can't get no) satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no (no baby)satisfaction

No matter what i do, no matter what i say, everywhere i go, theysay Am I ok?
No matter what i do, no matter what i say, everywhere i go, theysay Am I ok?
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction
I can't get no satisfaction, baby

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Letra de Born With Nithing & Die With Everything de Papa Roach

Letra de Born With Nithing & Die With Everything de Papa Roach

Fed up and tired...
I'm sick and twisted...
For my one man army...
I am enlisted...
So trust in yourself...
And trust no one else...
And fuck a hero...
Be yourself...
I don't need your lousy hand-out...
Yeah!!! oh!! yeah!!!...
So i clench my fist...
And i fight my way out...
And i look deep inside myself...
I look everywhere...
I looked to god...
I looked to the devil...
But most importantly...
I felt the innocence inside of myself...
So don't be afraid to just be yourself...
And no one else...
Fuck everybody’s opinion...
And do it because you love it...
And do it because you believe in it...
Cuz you do believe in it...
Fuck a hero... be yourself...
Fuck a hero... be yourself...
Fuck a hero... be yourself...
Better look in you...
Better look in you...
Inside yourself...
By yourself...
With no one else...
Thank you...

Letra de Blood Brothers de Papa Roach

Letra de Blood Brothers de Papa Roach

Watch your back because the next man is comin'
And you don't know if the next man is dumbin'
Survival of the fittest what it is
I got yo back, you got my back and that's the biz
Blood, is rushing through my veins I got the power,
channel the energy
And with my strength I will devour
Sickening thoughts are running through my head
That's when I realize I'm glad I'm not dead

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public's craving, existence in the dark

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill

It was a dream and then it hit me, reality struck
And now my life is all shifty and it all moves fast
Close to buck 50 and we all stand strong
In respect to my family in times of our insanity
And through the words of profanity
I describe our dysfunctional family
Blood brothers keep it real to the end
Deeper than the thoughts that you think, not a trend

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public's craving, existence in the dark

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill

Again and again

Corruption and abuse, the salesman of our blood
For the public's craving, existence in the dark

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill, kill, kill
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill, kill, kill

It's our nature to destroy ourselves
It's our nature to kill ourselves
It's our nature to kill each other
It's in our nature to kill

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

Descargar Fraps 3.4.6 Gratis

Descargar Fraps 3.4.6 Gratis


Ver para creer, dicen. Aplica esta perla de sabiduría a los videojuegos y descubrirás que, si no muestras tus hazañas en un vídeo o una captura, difícilmente los demás te harán caso.

Fraps es tu grabadora de videojuegos. Residente en memoria, Fraps se carga en segundo plano y se activa con unos pocos atajos: F9 pone en marcha la grabación de fragmentos de vídeos y sonido, mientras que F10 saca capturas de alta calidad.

El rasgo definitorio de Fraps es el recuento de fotogramas -o frames- por segundo. Lo verás, por defecto, en una de las esquinas de la pantalla, dos números amarillos que indican el rendimiento del juego en tu equipo. Si te molestan, puedes desactivarlos desde el panel de configuración de Fraps.

El codec de Fraps asegura grabaciones fluidas en la mayoría de equipos. Por supuesto, no siempre funciona, pero las utilidades similares son poquísimas. Para el jugador empedernido, Fraps es una herramienta imprescindible.


  • Indicación de FPS en pantalla

  • Graba vídeo con sonido en varios formatos

  • Compatible con la mayoría de juegos

  • Codec propio de alta calidad


  • A veces interfiere con algunas aplicaciones


Descargar E.M. Free PowerPoint Video Converter 3.20 Gratis

Descargar E.M. Free PowerPoint Video Converter 3.20 Gratis


E.M. Free PowerPoint Video Converter crea vídeos en formato AVI, MPG y WMV a partir de un archivo PowerPoint de forma rápida y sencilla.

Esta herramienta es ideal para subir tus presentaciones a una página web o para enviárselas a conocidos o compañeros de trabajo sin que ellos puedan alterar el contenido y puedan verlo desde un programa de vídeo o un reproductor portátil.

La conversión con E.M. Free PowerPoint Video Converter es muy sencilla. Sólo hay que escoger el fichero o ficheros a transformar y el formato de salida, aunque permite añadir un archivo de audio, realizar una o dos compresiones, determinar los segundos de transición entre diapositivas, y personalizar la calidad de vídeo y sonido.

E.M. Free PowerPoint Video Converter dispone, además, de su propio reproductor de vídeo para comprobar el resultado de la conversión.


lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Descargar Waves Gratis

Descargar Waves Gratis


Waves es un psicodélico juego de disparos en el que manejarás una peculiar canica armada hasta los dientes. ¿Tu objetivo? Destruirlo todo para ganar puntos mientras sobrevives a hordas de enemigos esféricos.

En Waves, cada partida comienza contigo dando vueltas por una arena de combate digital: el teclado sirve para moverte y el ratón para apuntar y disparar a las bolas que se acercan a ti. Por cada impacto, una alucinante explosión de partículas de colores llenará la pantalla.

La mecánica de Waves es muy sencilla pero no te dejará lugar para el descanso. Si quieres seguir vivo, deberás hacer combos de destrucción con los que aumentarás tu artillería y adquirirás nuevos poderes, como la habilidad de ralentizar el tiempo.

Aun con las limitaciones de escenarios y jugabilidad, Waves engancha y te hará pasar buenos ratos disfrutando de esta orgía de explosiones, música tecno y espíritu heredado de las viejas recreativas.


  • Mecánica y controles sencillos

  • Varios modos de juego

  • Apabullante espectáculo de explosiones

  • Rankings de puntuación online


  • Poca variedad de los escenarios

  • Desarrollo caótico en niveles avanzados


Descargar Blocks That Matter Gratis

Descargar Blocks That Matter Gratis


Blocks That Matter es de esos juegos que te divierten, te enganchan y te arrancan una sonrisa a partes iguales.

En Blocks That Matter controlas a Tetrobot, un robot en forma de cubo (aunque parece una lavadora) que deberá abrirse paso por los diferentes niveles a base de destruir y construir cubos que le permitan avanzar.

A medida que vayas avanzando en Blocks That Matter, aparecerán nuevos tipos de bloque e irás adquiriendo nuevas habilidades, a la vez que la complejidad de los puzles irá aumentando.

Tanto el aspecto gráfico como los movimientos de Tetrobot y la banda sonora de Blocks That Matter son una verdadera delicia y tardarás muy poco rato en quedarte encandilado con el juego.

Nota: para jugar a Blocks That Matter tendrás que tener Steam instalado en tu PC.


  • Planteamiento divertido y adictivo

  • Aspecto gráfico delicioso

  • Dificultad ajustada


  • Nada destacable

Blocks That Matter


Descargar Hamster Free Video Converter Gratis

Descargar Hamster Free Video Converter Gratis


Hamster Free Video Converter es un práctico conversor de vídeo que permite transformar casi cualquier formato y en pocos pasos.

Basta con arrastrar uno o más vídeos a Hamster Free Video Converter y decirle a qué formato quieres convertirlo.

O si lo prefieres, puedes indicar el dispositivo en el que lo verás, ya sea un teléfono móvil, un reproductor portátil o una consola de videojuegos.


  • Soporta la mayoría de formatos

  • Perfiles para dispositivos concretos

  • Permite cambiar los parámetros de la conversión

  • Buena calidad de la conversión


  • Pocas opciones de edición

  • La conversión requiere tiempo

  • No permite añadir subtítulos